Chapter Five: A Secret To Keep

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"Goodnight, L/N-san!" Tanizaki said before he closed the door with Naomi, clinging onto the sleeve of his shirt.

"See you tomorrow!" I said, cheerfully. As the door slowly closed, I smiled upon myself.

The agency was now quiet. It was free from its usual crazy antics that goes day by day. A lot of yelling and Dazai getting choked by Kunikida as early as 10 in the morning. The silent state of the agency was something you can't fully get used to.

The small tingling feeling of happiness still resided in me. I was officially a member of the Armed Detective Agency. It still feels surreal to me if I had to be honest.

I shut off the lights and walked out of the agency. It was still 9 in the evening yet it felt like the city was asleep. There was no loud honks of cars coming from the street. It was only the few passing cars, driving away and past the agency. Today felt oddly good. It feels like this day is going perfectly well and it's suspicious.

Then the sudden realization came to me. Ah yeah, I need to go to Dazai's room. Dazai. Room. Dazai's room. Wait. DAZAI'S ROOM ?!?!?! EHHHH??

My hands forcefully slapped onto my red, flushed face. I shook my head vigurously, side to side. NO STOP THINKING ABOUT THOSE KINDS OF THOUGHTS. I tried to clear my thoughts and calm down my breathing. I placed a hand on my chest, my heart was beating like there was no tomorrow. Damn it, stay still.

I let out a final exhale and started my journey to Dazai's place. I happened to know where he lived since the agency members all lived in the same building. Kunikida has given me tasks to wake up Dazai whenever he was late for work, as per what Kunikida would say.


I sighed at the thought of the loud yells of Kunikida. It's like I can hear his voice ringing in my head. The apartment building was not that far from the agency. I managed to arrive at the front of the building in just a short 5 minutes. The lights were turned on in each room, meaning that the members are still awake. I walked closer towards the stairs until I heard Naomi's voice from one of the rooms in the lower floor.

"Ahh~ onisama, you're going to get it~"

"Ah wait, Naomi.. eh?! NAOMI WAIT STO- AHH~" Tanizaki exclaimed.

I stopped in my tracks and tried to process what I just heard. Ah you know what, it's best that I shouldn't. I quickly walked up the stairs and towards Dazai's door.

I gave the door a knock but heard no response. I knocked once more but before I could knock again, the door opened. What stood in front me was Dazai, his usual beige coat hung in the coat hanger. Dazai was left wearing his blue button up shirt and his vest. He leaned one arm onto the opened door and gave me a smug smile.

"Oya~ what is such a beautiful doing here at my door in such an ungodly hour?" He said.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over each other.

"Come on, Dazai. What do you want?" I said while unpatiently tapping my foot on the ground.

"Let's have a drink first, shall we?" He moved his body, giving way for me to pass. I entered his room but this is the first time I've actually been inside. I was only accustomed to knocking on his door and telling him to wake up but I have never stepped foot into his room.

𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐭 // 𝐃𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐢 𝐎𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now