Chapter Nine: Reset

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okay okay, before you read this chapter, i would recommend u to listen to the song before or while you read.

actually, you dont necessarily have to do it but the song does set the mood of this chapter since i listen to a lot of the bsd op and ending (cuz it's so good :") ) while writing but yes if you know the song already then even better huehue okay ill stop disturbing u now byebye hehe


"Doppo Poet: Smoke Grenade!"

A bright flash of green appeared from the hand of Kunikida while he held the ripped paper. The light subsided and a smoke grenade rested in his hand. He quickly pulled the pin, throwing the smoke grenade towards Dai. A loud bang was heard and smoke quickly filled Dai's vision. The agency members and I took this chance to disperse. We made sure that we surrounded him from all directions. This was 6 against 1. We clearly had the advantage.

Kenji and I went towards the trees. Yosano and Tanizaki headed towards the house. Kunikida hid behind one of the storage house. As for Dazai, he went right behind Dai, ready to deactivate his ability.

The smoke subsided and Dai was left coughing from inhaling too much of the smoke. He was now able to see his surroundings more clearly. He had noticed already that the agency members had disappeared. He felt a presence behind him. Before he could do anything funny, Dazai had already deactivated his shield, leaving him out in the open.

"My~ I didn't expect it to be this easy." Dazai said with an amused tone to his voice.

Dai chuckled from Dazai's comment.
"Indeed, this is too easy for my liking." Dai quickly unsheathed his sword, aiming right at Dazai's stomach then *cling*

Another blade had collided with Dai's sword. This made Dai's supposed planned action come to a halt. His eyes trailed from the blade to the owner who held it. His eyes met with another pair that held anger and vengence. Those pair of eyes happened to be owned by none other than Tanako.

Tanako used all his strength to stop Dai's sword from colliding with Dazai. Even though he wasn't fond the slightest with Dazai, he knew very well that he was someone special to Y/N and he didn't want to make her upset. Tanako kicked Dazai to the side. This caused Dazai to fly off and land on the ground away from the two sword-wielders.

"You really won't accept death now, will you?" Dai muttered, still looking amusingly to Tanako.

"I will after I cut that damn head of yours." Tanako slid his sword off and swung directly at Dai's neck. Dai quickly jumped back to avoid the swinging blade.

Dai was about ready to swing his sword back, he caught something in the corner of his eye. The agency members walked out of their hiding spots and towards him.

"Ahaha! Is this some sort of ambush? Do you think something like that is supposed to scare me?" Dai's swordsmanship was something way beyond a skilled swordsman. He was much faster and held a greater power. In a blink of an eye, Dai was able to strike each agency member. When Dai reached back to his original spot, he had noticed something odd. No blood was in sight. The agency members had not fallen. They all slowly disintrigated into green pixels. This was the work of Tanizaki's ability but something about it was off.

Usually, you would see distortion or green pixels surrounding you when Tanizaki had used his ability but this time it was different. Everything looked normal. There was no sign of distortion or snow falling from the sky. It all looked the same.

𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐭 // 𝐃𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐢 𝐎𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now