Chapter 18

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[The Next Empress]
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Chapter 18

—🌙Xiaobai Yue (POVs)

( Wow. Look at me, why am I in this bad situation too? )

( I don't know anything, I don't even know healing powers his talking about.)

" I can't promise you anything." I said as I look at Liam with a cold expression on my face.

( I kill people in real life.)

( I don't heal them for goodness sake! )

( I might really end up killing his brothers.)

( Oh dear lord from heaven, how should I take care of this situation?! )

( I'm just someone who knows how to kill people...)

( Damn.)

" Just do something to make my brother's wound stop bleeding until Lord Yang comes back, that is all I'm just asking for your highness" Liam says as I saw his tears keeps flowing from his cheek.

( If demons are real and what that handsome Yang showed me about his tricks...)

( If those things they showed to me before were what they call powers and not tricks..)

( If powers and sh't like that are real, then...The real Xiaobai must have powers too right? )

( Should I believe that?? No, I can't, we can't waste more time.)

( We're facing between life and death situation right now.)

( Though, I have a problem... How am I supposed to help him stop bleeding?! )

( S... Should I stitch his deep wound to close it first?? So that he'll stop bleeding?? )

( I... If I do that, we can buy some time for Lord Yang to come back.)

( I always stops the bleeding of my own wound, either from a bullet or from the knife.)

( But his wound isn't normal like how I wounded myself before, it's too deep and his blood comes out so fast.)

( And I ain't a f'cking doctor, I can't just guess things like this, I might really end up killing him.)

( But if I also won't do anything, he will die too.)

" Please...*sob* your highness save my brother, I don't want to lose him... Please do whatever you can do to help him, just save my brother from losing too much of blood, I'm begging you." Liam says as I just sigh.

( Argh... I'm sorry Shen, but there is only one way to find out.)

( I have to stitch your deep wound so that you'll have to stop bleeding... I guess, f'ck this life.)

( Please give us a real f'cking doctor!!! )

After taking a deep breath in and out, I went towards to Shen's body who was just lying down.

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