Chapter 70

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—🌙Mizuhashi Yurina Rokurō (POVs)

As I was just staring at them, this girl then start talking as she look at me and even start introducing herself in front of me as I was just staring at her.

( *sigh* I'm so tired and sleepy already.)

" I am Shao and this is Suze. " Shao says and this girl name Suze then wave her hand to me as I just smile at her and nod my head.

" Although, how come I can sense demo—." Yao says and so I interrupted her.

" I am a demon, but also a half human, you can at least thank me for chasing those bad girls away, you know." I said and they all then look at me with their wide eye.

" Y-youre a demon?!  " Shao says as she then look at Xiaobai and I, I then nodded my head as I raised an eyebrow to her.

" If you're thinking if Xiaobai is also demon itself, then yes she is also a half demon itself, just to let you know, we aren't that evil but we can always be an evil person if someone would provoke us. " I said and smirk.

" Well, not all demons are here to become an evil anyway, but you seem nice, so I guess we can all be friends. " Suze says with a smile.

" But, are you really the one who chase them off away? That is awesome! Though we did not know what and how you did it. " Suze

( I know and apart from being awesome, I'm ridiculously pretty and beautiful too ehehe.)

" Yeah, she is the reason why those three girls run away because she scared them off." Xiaobai says as she and I laugh and give each other a High five on the air.

" Well then, thank you for doing that, I kind of like how they look so scared." Suze says as she smiles widely.

" Since we are all girls, shall we do something fun for today? " Xiaobai says and so I look at her as my eyebrows raised.

( Do something fun? )

( I Should have brought Mr. Velthazor with me, but he said he doesn't want to.)

( Mr. Kitty is alone at home right now.)

( Yasha is so funny when he first teleported in here and accidentally met Xiaobai.)

( Poor kitty, being left alone, I shall give him lots of foods and kisses from its master hehehe.)

" Let's go shall we? " Xiaobai says as I just nodded my head, as everyone was now walking around the empire again, I then remembered something.

" Xiaobai, I have something to give you before we arrived in here, actually I got this from the Demon World, I summoned a very rare pet just for you." I said as I smile looking at her and her eyes then went sparkling.

( Geez, does she likes animals so much??? )

( I think Xiaobai and I would really going to get along very well.)

( She is just so like me in a different way and style.)

" Really?? Another pet I could owned??? Let me see." Xiaobai says as she smiles so widely as her eyes were also sparkling from excitement.

( She is a little bit different when she thinks of killing a person. Just like me, I really do think we will get along very well.)

I then showed her three cute baby animals and one small baby aquatic mermaid a demon mermaid from Demon World.

I then give it to her as she was smiling so widely like its her first time.

" Oh my! It's so adorable! This baby mermaid looks squashy and stuff! " Xiaobai says as I just smile.

" They are a very rare pet I summoned from my world, when they grow up, they will surely become stronger than any kinds of animal pet." I said and she then smile.

" Wah!!! I'm getting lots of pets!  " Xiaobai says as I look at her with a smile.

" You have pets? What pets?  " I siad as I also smile.

" I got a little friend, a spider, a bunny that Lord Yang give to me and a legendary dragon as my guardian, it's in the garden of the forest, and now I have this four cute little babies! " Xiaobai says as she smiles.

" Come!! I need to give you something. " Xiaobai says as she and I, hide away from those three ladies.

" Here. Hold my babies for me, I shall give you a gift too, since it would be very unfair. " Xiaobai says as she smiles sadistically.

" As you can see, I've been also trying to summoned a pet this past few days and did you know what I got? " Xiaobai says as she then showed her palms and a very adorable panda and a white cat with a moon mark on its head then appeares right in front of my eyes.

( A white cat?! )

( Oh my ghad!!!! Can I have it?!! )

" Here, we should exchange pets, although I only have summoned two pets, would that be alright? " Xiaobai says as I then smile widely to her.

" You kidding me?! This is way too awesome! Mr.Velthazor wouldn't be alone anymore! I'm so happy to have a cute little pets as my own. " I said as I hug both of my new pets.

" Well I'm glad that you like it, although who is this Velthazor you're talking about?  " Xiaobai says as she raised her eyebrows, I then smile as I stare at her.

" He is my rare demon cat, he is the first one that I have summoned when It was the first time I lived in the demon world, Mr. Velthazor can turn to its human form." I said and Xiaobai looked at me in surprise.

" Is that cat of yours is a rare species???  " Xiaobai says and I just shrugged my shoulders.

( To think of it, I haven't asked Mr. Velthazor about it.)

" Anyway, I'm so happy to have another kitty and its white too! " I said and smile.

" Well as you can see, that cat is a female and I happen to see it changing its form into a very small little girl with white hair and blue eyes." Xiaobai says and I was even more surprised but then smile sadistically.

" Oh?? So Mr. Velthazor and Ms. Kitty can fall in love to each other??? I can have so many kittens from both of them!  " I said and hugs my white kitty tightly.

" If that happens, can you give me one too? I love cats you know." Xiaobai says as I just nodded my head and smile.

" Come on, let's hide our pets for now. " Xiaobai says as I just nodded my head, we both then hides our beloved pets and Xiaobai and I then casually walk around the city with our hands together and while laughing.

( I feel like I have an older sister now.)

( I shall visit her in here if I have time.)


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