Chapter 99

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—🌙 Mizuhashi Yurina [Xiaobai] (POVs)

After we arrived in the palace, Jinxiu the maid then prepared the food for me, while Yang.. Xiaobai's soon to be husband is just sitting right in front of me.

( I wonder what is Xiaobai doing in the underworld...)

( Well.. I guess she's having fun in there, since she's not been there before.)

( Although.. When Xiaobai return in here.)

( *mischievous smile* Ehehehe, she will probably thank me later WAHAHA.)

" Eat your food before it'll turn to cold." Lord Yang says as I then look at him.

( Actually.. This guy is not that bad as I thought..)

( When I asked him about planting a seed.)

( I actually did that because I wanna know if he only wants to marry Xiaobai because she is a princess and has a beauty..)

( Or that he wants to marry her because he loves her.)

( And base from what he answered, it seems like.. He really do love her sincerely, since.. He won't even touch Xiaobai's body unless they are married.)

( Aw~ that is just so sweet and very.. Uhm... manly? Uhh I don't know.. But let's just stick with that.)

" So.. I was thinking before we got in here." I said while the others were also eating their food and Lord Yang was drinking his cup of tea.

" I change my mind about planting a seed." I said and then Lord Yang just suddenly choke from the tea he was drinking.

( Tsk... What a dramatic.)

" Huh? You two are planning to plant a seed? " Jinxiu says as I nodded my head.

" What are you guys going to plant? Is it flower? Or orange like fruits or something? " Shao says as I smile widely and look at Xiaobai's soon to be husband and he just stares at the other direction.

" Oh, that is not what I meant by planting a seed, what I actually mean is by having a beautiful lovely kids in the near future. " I said as I also smile so widely and all of them then just stares at me, except for Xiaobai's soon to be husband he just keeps drinking his cup of tea without even stopping.

( Well.. I'm not Xiaobai, I'm Yurina..)

( So.. Xiaobai.. Goodluck WAHAHA.)

" You two are already planning that? " Yao says as I just smile.

" No, I'm the only one who planned it, beside the more I have kids, the bigger the family WAHAHAHAA." I said and they all then look at Lord Yang.

" Right my boo? " I said and smile.

" Uh.. Xiaobai.. Lets just have one only. " Lord Yang says as I raised my eyebrows.

( If only Xiaobai is here WAHAHA this is just so hilarious.)

" I-I... I don't think it is a good idea..about having a lot of childrens, you know.. Giving birth is not easy especially for every women, like you." Lord Yang says as I just smile.

( Yeah.. I actually didn't think about it at first.)

( Then I shall let Xiaobai decide it.)

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