Chapter 73

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//A Few Hours Ago, Xiaobai returned once again to Lord Yang's room just to pester him.//

—🌙Yang Nianzu (POVs)

As I was just sitting on the bed, still treating my injury even though it was actually a fake one, Xiaobai keep insisting to heal my injury, but I didn't let her, she might know that I'm just faking it.

" Why can't you just lemme' help you? I'm offering you the fastest way to heal your whatever that is! " Xiaobai says as I just sighs.

" Xiaobai.. Listen, I'm fine, I can treat my own injury without using any magics, don't worry, I can still walk, I'm not disabled." I said and smile, this woman then just crossed her arms in front of me.


( She really won't stop.)

" You're not even a certified doctor! How do you even know how to treat your injury!  " Xiaobai says as I just smile.

" My father is a professional doctor, healer and warrior, don't underestimate his son." I said and smile.

" Aghh! Whatever! Go die slapsoil." Xiaobai says as I just smile.

( Is this how she expressed herself of being worried to her soon to be husband? )

( It is such an honor.)

( I'm happy to see that my soon to be wife is worrying about me.)

( Even thought this is just a fake injury AHAHA.)

" Xiaobai.. It is not like I would die because of this, do you really want me to die already? " I said as I smiled, she then just roll her eyes at me.

" Tsk. Why can't I just help you? You know I can just heal you! The faster, the better." Xiaobai says as her eyebrows were sti crossing, I then just sighs again.

I then get up as I sit next to her and hold her hand as I stare at her, she then raised her eyebrows as she look at me.

" What now? What is with the holding hand again? Are you an addict or what? " Xiaobai says as I just chuckles.

" Xiaobai.. I just want you to know that even if you can heal a person using magic, there will are things that you wouldn't be able to used magic." I said and smile to her.

" That doesn't mean that you have a power to heal everything and even if you can easily used your powers whenever you want, there are still limits in every way of how you use them. " I said

" And again Xiaobai, it is not like I don't want you to heal me, I just don't want you to used your power over by nonsense thing, an injury can be healed without a magic, do you understand?  " I said as I smile looking at her and she then just roll her eyes once again.

" And oh! one more thing, please don't kill someone again even though they are threatening you, you're really scary when you get angry." I said

" But don't get me wrong, I still want you to protect yourself by some dangerous people who wants to hurt you, okay?  " I said and she was only staring at me, I then just smile to her.

" Whatever. *sigh*" Xiaobai says as I then just smiled.

" Come on! Just let me heal you already!! You talk way too much! You're so talkative, just shut up and lemme' heal you!  " Xiaobai says, I then look at her as I sigh.

( She won't stop.)

( How am I supposed to take care of this woman? )

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