Chapter 58

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-🌙Xiaobai Yue (POVs)

As this guy lean to whisper to my ears, I then just saw Lord Yang glaring at the guy.

" Young miss, there are still two guys who have been hurting him too, every night they will assault him whenever they are drunk." He said and so I look at him with my angry face.

" Two? There are still two?! " I said and look at him with my eyebrows crossing, I then look at this guy's in front.

" WHO THE F*CK ARE THIS PEOPLE who have been assaulting Wan?! " I yelled looking at each one of them.

" If you don't talk, I'LL KILL YOU. " I said with my murderous look, but then Lord Yang hold me by my arms.

" Xiaobai, calm dow-." Lord Yang said and I then look at him with my angry face.

" Calm down?! You're telling me to calm down when a friend of mine is hurt?! " I said and I then look at them.

" TALK or I'LL KILL YOU." I said and look at each one of them again.

" I SAID TALK! " I said and Wan then hold my hand.

" Xiaobai, I am okay." Wan says.

( No....)

( It is not.)

( It is not okay! )

" You're hurt, but why are you saying it is okay? " I said but he just smile.

" I'm fine, they won't hurt me anymore, I thank you for that." Wan says and my tears then suddenly just fell down on my tears.

( No... It is not okay.)

" X-Xiaobai...." I heard Lord Yang says and then there was a thunder on the sky.

" I-.... Why are you saying it is fine?! They hurt you and did bad things, w-why are you forgiving them like that so easily?!! It is not okay! What they did is a crime. " I said and when I cried the rain then starts to pour heavily.

( Why? People like them doesn't deserve forgiveness.)

" Xiaobai... I am really fine, I am okay now. " Wan says, I stared at him for quite minutes as the rain keep to pouring heavily and a thunder can be heard above from the sky.

I then turn behind me as I went closer to Lod Yang and he then hugs me tightly as he also caress my hair.

" All of you will have three times extreme training, starting tomorrow and I will be the one who will trained all of you until afternoon nonstop." Lord Yang says as the rains keeps pouring heavily.

( It hurts seeing someone who is hurt, but easily forgive them...)

( I'll... Kill them...)

( No... I'll just let fate make them suffer.)

" And you, your name is Wan right? If something happens like this again, don't be afraid to report it to me, I'll take an action to it." I heard Lord Yang says.

" Thank you." Wan

" Xiaobai, you can stop crying now, Wan looks fine now and he said he is fine, why don't you listen to him? " Lord Yang says and a loud thunder was heard from the sky again.

" Okay, she said No, but tomorrow morning you are exempted for the training, but I'll give you a special training instead, would that be okay? " Lord Yang

" Of course, t-that would be okay, but you don't need to do that." Wan says

" I won't take No as answer, besides Xiaobai would like that too, anyway... Get some rest today. " Lord Yang says, I then turn around to look at Wan.

" Next time... I won't forgive you if you will forgive people like that and even let them go so easily." I said and he then smile.

" I will remember that miss. " Wan says and he then smile, I give him a bitter smile but it eventually fades.

" I'll go home. " I said and walk away from all of them with speed.

( I can't stay longer in there, I might end up burning the entire house with my anger.)

( I need to go to a place... somewhere quiet that no one will disturb me.)

( Assaulting someone?! Something like that... Is unforgivable.)

( Hmmm... Although it feels so good to punch some people lmao.)

( Why did I even cried? Lol.)

( I was so dramatic, but it feels so good to exercise my fist once in a while.)

" AHAHAHA f*ck, I've never been so alive in my entire life." I said and then Lord Yang appeared to my side and that give me sh*t.

" Ugh!!! Could you please stop appearing like that, you give me some chills." I said and he then smiles.

" When you cried, was that an act? " Lord Yang

" What do you think? Besides that was ridiculous... my tears just suddenly fell down, I think there is something inside my eyes. " I said and he just chuckles as he shake his head.

" But... Where did you learn to fight like that? " Lord Yang says and I then smile to him.

" I learned it by myself, do you want me to teach you how to fight without using any weapons nor magic? " I said and he then smile.

" Will you? " Lord Yang says and I then smirk.

" If you give me back my Carolina Reaper." I said and smile and he then shake his head.

" No and never. " Lord Yang says and I then glared at him.

" Ugh! Seriously!? " I said and he then just smile at me.

" Seriously." Lord Yang says and I just roll my eyes and continues to walk besides him.

" I'll get them someday." I mumbled.

" You won't and will never." Lord Yang says and I then look at him glaring.

" Oh come on! Just one, give me one and I won't ask you anymore." I said but he just shake his head.

" Even if you kneel down and beg for it, I won't give you any of those." Lord Yang says and I then kick his *ss and so he look at me, I then crossed my arms.

" What?! You mad? You mad at me hah?! " I said and he then suddenly just carried me.

" You son of b*tch!!!! Put me down!!!! I'll f*cking kill you! " I yelled as Guo, Shen and Linux laugh behind him.

" I'll put you down when we arrived at the palace, so behave yourself or I'll turn you into a little mouse." Lord Yang

" Are you threatening me?!!! Don't try me ill kill you. " I said

" Shut your mouth and behave, you're so loud." Lord Yang

" You!!! I'll definitely kill you!!!!! " I yelled and then Linux put white shirt around me to cover my mouth.

" There it's quiet now. " Lord Yang says and so I kick his back using my arms, but then Liam holds my hands while Guo tied my arms.

( This people!!! Why are they so cruel to me?!! )

( This is like kidnapping!!! )

( I'll put you all to a boiling water!!! )

( How dare they treat me like this!!! )



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