Chapter 33

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—🌙Xiaobai Yue (POVs)

After that scene happened, this girl really knows how to escape from my trap line, next time. I will never let her escape from me again, I will try to corner her and suffocate her until she dies in pain... just kidding, I'm not an evil and ruthless person you know... But maybe?

( Lmao, just by thinking of it, I looked like an evil villain in this world.)

( Feels like I'm the main antagonist on a fiction fantasy novel on a world like this. )

( Oh well, this world is actually so fantastic! )

( I can't wait to get this pathetic people on my hand and kill them one by one...with kindness of course.)

( Ha! You all really I'm just an evil woman in this world of fantasy that magic and demons exist? )

( Oh darling. I'm actually more than an evil woman who just transported into this kind of realm.)

( With my knowledge from the advanced world, I'm fucking powerful than the people who lived in here.)

( WAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA I'm so gonna create a weapon in here, a machine gun would be my first invention.)

" So... What was the important thing that you wanted to say personally again Xiao Ling? " Lord Yang says, as he sip the tea in his cup, while I was also listening to their conversation.


" Err... The Prime Minister wants you to come and visit him, he needs to talk to you about 'some' important matters, that is why he also sent me here to announce it to you personally. " She said with a smile on her face, and I then look at her as I raised one of my eyebrows.

" Oh really? Why can't the Prime Minister just sends someone else? Or maybe, you volunteered yourself to come here so that you can see Lord Yang personally to yourself. " I said with a smirk on my face.

" And you also said that you have another reason why you wanted to come and visit him as possible, am I right or wrong?  " I said and smirk while looking at her face, and she was really so flustered and irritated, while she was glaring at me with her eyes.

( Gosh... People who makes excuses, just to see someone they like.)

( Well, I was like that too when I was so in love with someone from my world too.)

( I was around eighteen years old that time, but eventually that guy rejected me.)

( So, it is very understandable that this bacteria girl wants to have her way to Lord Yang.)

( But, I just don't like how her attitude towards to me and maybe to the other people she have shamed on, she's so arrogant and would look down on people base on the clothes they're wearing! )

( Well, let us just say that I, also have an attitude problem, but I only talked to people sarcastically and mocked them when I hated them, I have a very good instinct you know.)

( My guts can tell me if a person is nice or not and I am never wrong! )

( Well, maybe sometimes I am wrong.)

" You are wrong! " She said as I raised an eyebrow at her.

( See? )

" I didn't come here just because I volunteered, I come here because of the Prime Minister, he sent me here. Aghhh... Why am I even talking to you anyway, so annoying." She said and I just smile and shrugged my shoulder and give her a coy look.

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