Chapter 26

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[The Next Empress]
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Chapter 26

—🌙Yang Nianzu (POVs)

As I arrived next to Guo, they all then looks at me with a very weird expressions written on their face.

( Why are they staring like that??? )

( Is there something on my face?? )

" What is it? What's with the look? " I said as calmly as possible.

" You didn't left behind her highness the Princess right? " Liam says as I smile.

" No, she's with me, inside my clothes." I said and smirk at all of them.

" What? Inside your clothes? Lord Yang what did you do to Princess Xiaobai? " Feng says as everyone was now staring at me.

" She's fine. No need to worry about anything at all. Master Yi gives me an apple that can make Xiaobai turn into an animal that represents her, she's fine." I said and they all just stares at me blankly.

" Did she turned into one? " Shen says as he was staring at me.

( Well yes... She did turn into an animal.)

( But I didn't expect her to be this so cute and fluffy when she's on her animal form.)

( Master Yi says that whenever she's in her animal form, she can't used her power, that is mean she will be powerless and weak.)

( Now, that is more like it. I've been waiting for this moment.)

" Lord Yang, why are you smiling like that? That is actually very creepy, you know." Linux

" His thinking of doing something bad to Princess Xiaobai! " Feng says and so I hit his head using my hands.

" Ow! " Feng

" But Lord Yang, where is exactly Princess Xiaobai? Where did you hides her? " Yao says as I then smile at her.

" I told you, she's inside my clothes right now, she's peacefully resting inside, all of you will see her when she's awake. " I said with a smile.

" But you won't be able to touch her, she's mine." I said and all of them frown in front of me.

" You haven't married her yet, and you're being possessive already. " Liam says and so I glare at him and he then looks away from me.

( Doesn't matter, I cannot let them touch my fluff balls.)

( No one will be touching her whenever she will turn into a black and white animal.)

( I still actually don't know what species of an animal she just transformed into.)

( And I better need to find something to know what species she is.)

A minute has passed and Xiaobai hasn't woke up yet, and we are almost near to the Arkansas Forest, where my home is built in the middle of the forest.

After a few seconds, I then felt something is moving inside my clothes. A moment later...

I saw Xiaobai's animal head popping outside my cloth and she look at me with her adorable purple eyes and she's just so cute!

" Good afternoon Xiaobai, did you get enough sleep? " I said as I caress her, without her noticing what is going on and to her surroundings, she then uses her small adorable paws to rub on her eyes as she stretch her little cute arms and yawn.

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