Chapter 43

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—🌙Xiaobai Yue (POVs)

After we all finished eating our food in front of us, I am so freaking surprised again when there is another last food that was served... AGAIN.

( Aghh... I can't eat anymore.)

( My stomach will hurt so bad after this.)

" Now that we are finished, I wanted you all to meet one of my loyal friend in here, his two daughters ." Prime Minister says and just like that, I saw two woman's who appeared on the Prime Minister's left side.

But I wasn't even surprised at all when I saw that pink bacteria woman again with her fancy pink clothes.

( She really prepared herself hah.)

( Tsk, whatever.)

I then take a look on her other side and there was another woman with her white and peach clothes, she look calm and has a sharp eyes, the way she move is almost perfect in my eyes and her clothes is so modest.

( So they are sisters hah.)

( I hope they are opposite to each other, like ya' know, one is good and not a bacteria.)

" They are living with me for temporarily for their father is currently in a battle for months now, and I have to take them in my house." Prime Minister says as this bacteria woman keeps staring at Lord Yang who is just so calm and drinking his tea.

( This bastard is so fucking chill sitting next to me.)

( This bacteria... Why does she keeps staring at this bastard?! )

( What did she even see from this bastard and why the hell is she head over hills from this stupid mf?! )

( If Lord Yang is an ice cream, he would have already melt from the stares of this pink bacteria woman.)

" Pardon me his excellency, but may I speak impolitely? It is not my nature to be so polite towards to everyone, but may I have your permission? " I said as his eyes were staring at mine and he look like he was surprised for my sudden request... I guess?

( Geez, he is sooooo handsome.)

( Accck!!! Why does this Prime Minister so fucking handsome?!! Iwhdjsiedh!!! )

The Prime Minister Han then changes his expressions and he then smile as he put down his cup and look at me with a smile.

" Of course, you may speak impolitely but that is just for today, because a young woman like you shouldn't be speaking impolitely to others, but you have my permission, you can speak now." Prime Minister says as I then take a long breath in and out, I then look at the bacteria woman.

( Ah~ feels good.)

" Why would you take them IN to your house? Since they are noble, I must expect them to have their own house right? And you're not even their guardian, that is only what I want to know, can you explain? " I said as the Prime Minister smiles once again, but when he was about to utter a word, this bacteria woman then just suddenly interrupted the Prime Minister.

( Oh dare to interrupt the Prime Minister? )

" The Prime Minister may be not our guardian and ye-." Xiao Ling said with confidence but I interrupted her.

" Sorry? But I didn't remember anything about me asking you a question, right? " I said as I stare at her, directly in her eyes and she look so surprised as she closed her mouth and I then smile genuinely to her.

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