Chapter One

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The year to come to an end, meaning you could spend most of your days with the Weasley's at the Burrow. As you packed your trunk, aware of the fact that your third year was coming to an end and how things had come and gone quicker than you had realized. You all almost died this year. Again.

The golden trio and yourself clearly do not know how to stay out of the way of trouble. You really should have known Remus Lupin was a werewolf, all the signs were there. There was even a werewolf assignment in your DADA class. But the biggest giveaway was when you were visiting Uncle Sev in his potions classroom and Lupin had come in to pick up some potions for himself.

Quickly you were brought back to reality with someone snapping their fingers in your face.

"Hello, are you in there? The train is going to leave without us if you don't get your crap together" Hermione lectured as she returned to her book, The History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

You couldn't help but smile as you finished packing your things, knowing your trunk would be flung down the stairs any second if you didn't get all your stuff together. Hermione wasn't one for being late. Finally getting it closed, you stood up and turning to your theoretical sister.

"Okay sis, I am finally ready" You stated with your owl, Starlight in hand. She always hated the travel home, but she was too valuable to you to lose. So her cage it is for now.

Hermione huffed as she closed her book before double checking that Crookshanks was all packed and ready to go. Taking him in her arms, you both carefully walked down the stairs. From personal experience, you knew that one can never be too careful. But you spoke too soon. Tripping down the stairs, letting out a groan as you landed roughly at the feet of someone.

"Oi, are you okay Em" Fred said, quickly leaning down to your level as you groaned. Hermione on the other hand was leaned against the wall laughing her butt off. Cause there you were again, being your normal klutzy self.

"Oh I'm fine, you know me. I am indestructible" you said. But Fred just laughed as he helped you get to your feet.

"How about you focus on walking, and I will carry the bloody bird" Fred said, picking up Starlight's cage. You just nodded in agreement before catching the gaze of the person you had been waiting to see all day.

"Hey..." You said as he smiled at you some more.

"Hello darling, are you okay? You took quite a spill" George said, laughing as he tried to hide his smile. All you could do was hit him before dragging him towards the train. You were getting tired of being made fun of. Settling into the cabin with Fred, George, and Hermione, you pulled out your book in order to ease the time.

"Oh Em, are you really that upset" George said, using his best attempt of puppy dog eyes. As he tried to make me feel better you couldn't stop myself from melting at the way he was watching you, failing to resist those gorgeous brown eyes.

" No, I am not upset but you shouldn't laugh at me either. I could have really hurt something. What if I.. I don't know broke my butt or something. Would you be laughing then?" You fired back, even though you were no longer upset with him. Just disappointed in yourself.

"Well no, because you wouldn't be you, you know without your butt" Georgie said, winking at you. Your immediate reaction was to bury yourself back into your book, focusing on the same page that you have re-read more than once.

You seriously might make the Hogwarts Express explode with your feelings for him. But you can never say anything. You are just the girl who helps with their pranks, you will never be the girl who could make him happy and feel inspired. You could never be someone like that to George because you will not expose myself to pain. Especially the pain of rejection.

But looking at him, you don't feel pain or anger. You felt happiness and began to feel more love than you ever thought you could. But you are not his idea of beauty, let alone someone he could actually love.

This is going to be a long summer, spending it with the man you can never have.

a rebel love// g.w.Where stories live. Discover now