Chapter Sixteen

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You had begun to cling to George like your life was depending on it especially after the run in with that French bitch. It was clear that she was under your skin like a bad disease, and she was definitely under Sam's. She was rarely seen without Fred attached to her hip.

George pulled you out of your dream state as he plopped on the couch next to you, "Hello my love"

You couldn't help but smile as he pressed as swift kiss to your cheek, making a blush erupt on your face.

"Hello darling" you said, closing your potions book. You had learned over time that homework and George do not mix. He would rather make out than do any sort of required work, but what else is new. George and Fred Weasley did not believe in the concept of homework, they never had and most likely never will.

He smiled down at you as you closed your book, he knew he had your full attention at that point. The last few weeks, you had been stressed out about Zoe and her careless flirting with anything with a pulse. That including the occasional flirt with George as well as Fred- which only sent Sam and you into a rage.

"I was wondering what your plans were for later? You know, Friday night and all" He said, clearly having an idea on how you should spend your night. You couldn't help but smile and make a face like you were thinking until it hit you. He promised he would study with you tonight, you had a huge potions exam which he mysteriously aced and he said he would help.

"Well Georgie- you promised me that you would help me study for that potions exam... remember?" you said, trying to jog his memory. You knew he had forgotten about the whole thing.

He sat there, making his horrifying thinking face as he tried to recall your previous conversations. You could see his brain going into hyperdrive, and you were scared to death he was going to have a stroke.

You normally wouldn't ask for any help, but since you were ahead of your normal course load you ended up in his potions class. Meaning that you technically are a fourth year, but all your classes are with sixth years and above, so early graduation for you.

"It's fine George, I knew you would forget. I can just ask Angelina if she can help me." you said, gathering your books into your bag.

He looked astonished by your reaction, you usually would fly off the handle for his forgetfulness but this week, actually this month just wasn't worth it. You were tired of fighting, or fighting for something when you had a bad feeling about and was going to hurt you.

"No-no-no baby, I can meet you. Let's say 7?"He said, intent on trying to make it up to you. You just nodded before running off to meet Sam.

And there she was at your normal spot, "You'll never believe my day" was all she said.

Clearly her morning had been worse than yours, "Was it the bitch?"

She just shot you this look of defeat, "Of course it was, she was all over Fred when he was waiting for me to get out of class. He didn't even seem like he was bothered by it. Like what? She is some walking STD and I am his girl. I was like non-existent, I was an imaginary friend to my boyfriend. What has my life come to?" She droned on.

a rebel love// g.w.Where stories live. Discover now