Chapter Ten

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We all walked into the Great Hall, taking in the environment. Knowing that the sorting was going to begin shortly, and any new professors who be introduced. It was the same basic routine that it always was.

Sam took her usual seat across from you, with Fred close to her side. You could see that the flirting from earlier was going to continue. As you turned to your left, and there was George, he was intently eyeing your face. Like he trying to ingrain your expressions into his memory forever.

"Yes, love" you said teasingly, batting your eyelashes at him. You could flirt like your life depended on it, but relationships was something you would always struggle with. It's just the Malfoy way.

He just smiled, crinkling his nose as he did so. You knew he loved when you flirted back with him, we always have had a special relationship compared to you and Fred, where it has always been more brotherly love.

God, his smile could make you melt any day of the week.

"Nothing darling, just taking in how beautiful you are" He said with just as much sass as always. He was so into you, and you had no idea. You just leaned into his shoulder, trying to camouflage the blush creeping onto your features but ever so failing.

You were drawn away from the moment when you heard the booming voice of your headmaster, the one and only Albus Dumbledore.

"Welcome Students, I hope your break was well. We are going to have an interesting year ahead of us. First off, we have a new DADA professor ex- Auror Alastor Moody. I am sure he will be teaching you plenty of things this year." He started.

Ron was sitting a little down the table, and you could still hear him discussing Mad-Eye Moody and how he thinks he is absolutely bonkers. Which he definitely is. You wouldn't trust him with anything.

"Also, quidditch is cancelled this year as we are holding another event instead. We will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament." The crowd cheered at this important news as Barty Crouch Sr began talking about the new age restrictions and how this is not a tournament for the light-hearted.

You only caught half of what he said because you had two re-headed boys screaming about the new restriction was "RUBBISH."

"George, be quiet. It's a dangerous competition and clearly they have the rules in place for a reason. I wouldn't want you getting hurt anyway, I like having you in my life a little too much." you said honestly, you could feel small tears pooling in your dark eyes as you took his hand into yours. Kissing the back of it gently. You could feel him melt into your tight grip, placing his other arm around the small of your back.

You leaned into him, not listening to the rest of the speech going on, until the doors to the Great Hall flew open with such force. You were assuming they were introducing the other wizarding school's you were going to be hosting.

"Who are those guys?" you softly whispered to Sam across the table, as she was completely intrigued by what was going on.

"Um words um uh, I need to make words. They are from the Drumstrang Institute. OH MY GOD, THAT IS VIKTOR KRUM" Sam continued on pointing into the crowd, with such amusement on here face as these men walked by, using their magic to show off. You just stayed in your position against George, you didn't really care about them. You cared more about George.

Ronald Weasley on the other hand, looked like he was going to faint from excitement. He looked like he had seen a ghost the moment he noticed him and Krum were in the same room. You just giggled to myself, causing George to look at me. I just quietly stated,

"Your brother is having a mental break over Krum" before pointing in Ron's direction. No sooner did the words leave your mouth, did George whip his head to look at Ron, who was still panicking more than when he found out his rat was actually Peter Pettigrew.

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