Chapter Nine

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Sam and you were arm in arm as you made your way to an available train cabin. The twins were tightly on your heels, chatting amongst themselves.

" So you and George?" she asked, bumping your hip, as you took your seats in the cabin. You couldn't help the smile on your face, unsure of how to explain your interesting relationship. There was no "George and I", so how do you even explain it. As you opened your mouth to give a response, George took the words right from you.

" She's not mine yet. But she will be. I am certain of that" he said, winking then placing a quick peck on your cheek. You could feel the intense blush well established on your cheeks. Biting your lip, attempting to keep your feelings under wrap.

How is this man so slick?

You couldn't help but have butterflies in your lower stomach as he placed his hand on your thigh. You pulled the sleeves of your sweater down over your hands, taking in the scent. A sweater you were more than certain that George is never getting back. You were in your own world, thinking of the future and what it could hold for you and George. When you were quickly pulled from my thoughts.

The cabin door flung open and there was your idiot brother and his ghouls. Knowing they were going to try and start something. But you also have Sam as backup. If you needed her, you know she would fight tooth and nail for you.

"Hey blood traitors, I hope your summer was well. Especially with that muggle obsessed father of yours" Draco seethed, earning laughs from his followers. You placed your hand over George's as you felt him tense up as the words met his ears.

"Shut Up Draco, I am over you and your overzealous behavior. You get it from Lucius, it is quite disgusting." you said back with just as much attitude, crinkling your nose as you compared him to your father. You were so fed up with him thinking he was better than everyone else. He was just a scared little boy who didn't know how to address his daddy issues.

" How about you just enjoy your Weaselbee while you can. I can't wait to tell Dad about this new information. You are just a filthy little blood traitor like the rest of them." He said laughing, no sooner did your grip tighten on George. You could see him going red in the face, he was getting ready to fly off the handle. Opening your mouth to say something when you saw Sam erupt from her seat.

She took Draco down with all her strength, quickly making contact between her fist and his jaw. Drawing her wand, she placed it at his throat, stating "I suggest you apologize before I end you on this train. I am not quite sure "daddy" would miss you that much"

Damn, she could be scary protective.

You could see him trying to find the correct words for his so called apology. You could see Sam digging her wand deeper into his neck, pressuring him even more.

"I-I-i-I I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I was you know joking" He stuttered out as he tried to get out from her grip. She carefully let him up and he ran so quickly leaving his ghouls behind. You couldn't help but laugh as she sat back down.

"I mean I knew you had my back, but damn girl. I think he just wet himself" You said, giving her a high-five. That was incredible and you were so glad you have someone like her in your corner for life.

You have been best friends since you were in diapers, you were only a few months older. You had always been the twisted sisters, the outliers of your pureblood families. Never fitting the mold of how they wanted you to be, they wanted to mold you to be future deatheaters and you both never wanted that reality. Clearly everything had changed when you were sorted into Gryffindor and her into Slytherin. But it never changed who you were to each other, you were always going to be the best of friends.

You couldn't imagine my life without her in it.

You were quickly brought back to reality when you heard Sam giggling, not just any giggling. Her flirting giggle that she doesn't use on just anyone. She was using it on Fred, and he was flirting back with just enough force.

You knew he would be fawning over her, the moment he saw her this year. She had matured quite a bit since last year and she knew that. She knew that half the school would be after her including your brother, who thinks he has some weird claim on her.

Yourself on the other hand, only worried about the attention of one boy. That was George, it has always been George. From the moment the sorting hat was placed on your head, you knew you were placed in Gryffindor for a reason. You knew the moment his eyes glistened at you, and the way he worked a little harder to make you smile. This is where you were meant to be. This was your new story.

You could hear George beside you as you were caught up in your own world. You turned to catch his eyes as he carefully watched you, not helping to smile you sent him.

"Is there something on my face?" You said brushing your cheeks, carefully incase your makeup had smeared or something.

He just chuckled beside you, "No, you are just really beautiful when you concentrate so hard" you could feel your cheeks turning a hot red color. You couldn't believe he just called you beautiful, because you definitely were not.

"Flattery will get no where, George Weasley" you shot back at him, making his smile even brighter. You loved when he smile so big, his nose crinkled and his eyes just shined with complete happiness. It was like we were the only one's in the cabin. Just you and him against the world.

He just shook his head, and turned his attention back to his brother. Trying to follow his conversation about joking with Peeves and wondering if they could come up with any new candies for this year. You were over being the test dummy when they gave you Puking Pastilles.

You just laughed at Sam's disgust over some of the jokes and candies they had some up with over the years. You thought for sure she was going to puke when they were talking about nosebleed nougats and how to test them out this year. You just gagged to yourself because they just sounded horrifying.

You were happy that the four of you were finally back together again, it was a long summer without Sam by our sides. She definitely evened out the score when they tried to kill you with their pranks.

You touched Sam's knee, catching her attention without distracting the conversation. You needed to go put your uniforms on as you were getting closer to Hogwarts. You couldn't believe you were almost there. You grabbed my robes, kissing George swiftly on the forehead. Your action saying that you would be right back.

Sam and you just chatted until you were behind the closed doors of the bathroom. You quickly threw on your uniform and began putting on your tie.

" So you and Fred?" you questioned making her blush to no end, she just fired back at you.

"So you and George" as she tied her Slytherin tie around her neck. You just shook your head at her. You were nothing, you weren't going to let yourself let him in that easily.

"I am not going to let him in that easily. You know what happened last time, I am not going back there. I want to be with him, but I don't know how to be with him like that" you stated honestly. Your dating life was not always easy. You have had a lot of ups and downs in your life, and that wasn't going to change.

"George is different. You and I both know that, he adores you. I can see that all over his face. Maybe you should let him in, it might be the best thing for the both of you" Sam said, fixing her hair in the mirror. You just sighed,  you know she is right. But you don't know how to be that vulnerable. You were never good at that.

You both made your way back to the cabin before the train began pulling into the station. You turned to George, fixing his tie for him. You swear after all these years, he still doesn't know how to tie it properly. He silently thanked you with a quick smile.

"Ready George?"

"Yup, ready Em?"

You just shook my head and followed him swiftly off the train.

You just knew, this year was a new chapter for you and George .

a rebel love// g.w.Where stories live. Discover now