Chapter Four

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Your shower was quick, nothing special about it. You just thought about George and what he wanted from a kiss. Cause now you are left confused from what he wants. Does he really want you or does he want to tease you endlessly. 

That is all that ran through your head the whole shower, where did we stand? What does this mean? You didn't know what to do. Correction, you didn't know what to do about him.

You got out of the now cold shower, putting your pajamas on, and putting product into your overly curly hair. You have to do something to it otherwise you would end up looking like Hermione and that is just not a good look for you.

 You swung open the bathroom to be bombarded with questions and concerns from Ginny and Hermione.

"What in the world is going on? I wasn't in the shower that long" You said trying to squeeze through. But you were forcefully held back and questioned excessively.

"What happened to George?"

"Did you guys kiss?"

"Why did he need some air?"

"SHUT UP!" you said loudly, trying to contain your thoughts and figure out what you wanted to say. You were not going to spill your feelings because they wanted you too. You had already come to that conclusion.

"Jeez, nothing happened. He ran me over coming out of the bathroom, we flirted a bit, I kissed him on the cheek, and he may or may not have stolen my panties for a brief moment." You carefully stated, walking past them. 

Keeping yourself fully composed until you made it to  the living room in the Burrow. You could hear their squealing all the way up by the bathroom still. 

You just relaxed into the couch, trying to put your mind at rest. But that lasted all of three seconds when you smelt hot chocolate under your nose. And there you found part of the twins, more importantly it was Fred. Your best friend.

"Hi Freddie, thank you for this" you said, accepting the hot chocolate. You could smell the peppermint coming off the hot drink.

" You know I will always be here for, you seem a little high strung... you okay?" He said, taking a sip of his drink.

" I wish everyone would stop asking me that, I just don't want to  discuss it. It's private, and my feelings are not meant as gossip... I am really sorry Freddie but I just can't tell you.... At least, not yet." You said, getting off the couch and walking away from him. He cleared his throat, just trying to forget the awkward interact we just had. 

As you began walking away, you barely heard him murmur. "If you ever do address your feelings, don't hurt him. He is more fragile then one may think he is..."

You stopped in your tracks with the breath caught in your throat, just thinking of what words came from his lips. Address my feelings? You could barely admit to yourself that you want to be with him. How could you address that to the world, when you were so unsure of what you were wanting or more so how would George take these feelings.

He was George, how do you address something with him, that's not joke store material or something. 

You briskly turned to look at Fred, and he was gone. You couldn't handle the feelings you had building. They are just growing and you could not face this overwhelming feeling that you have every time he's around. He was everything to you, and you just wanted to be with him. 

Then it hit you like a ton of bricks, almost knocking the wind out of you.  

You are in love with George Weasley

Running my hand over your face, trying to pull yourself from that thought that just appeared in your head. You couldn't admit how you were beginning to feel around him. You would terrify him with this idea of love you were feeling. You quickly ran to Ginny's room and slammed the door behind you.

Ginny and Hermione looked at you like your head was gonna explode. You began hyperventilating, trying to calm yourself from the severe panic attack you were going to have. You felt the tears beginning to build in your eyes. Hermione rushed to my side and you couldn't help but fall into her.

"What is wrong, who did this to you?" they both expressed, and you couldn't handle the pain and the fear. You just continued crying before you could even express what happened, or more so what you were feeling.

"I-i-i-IIII I love your stupid brother, and I just figured it out. He is never gonna love me, ever. I mean just look at me. God I am such an idiot for even thinking I could be loved." You sobbed while unintentionally shooting your words at Ginny.

Guilt just ran across her face and she slowly got up and left the room. Both of you just stunned by the anger that fueled from you. 

"God I was kind of a bitch, wasn't I?" You said trying to calm yourself more. Hermione just chuckled and continued to hold you close.

 You were beginning to feel bad for biting her head off. It was even worse because it didn't involve her, it involved her idiot brother. But you were surprised when she cam back a few moments later with the twins in tow.

"Ya'll need to figure this shit out, right now. I am not spending my whole summer with this animosity between everyone." She grumbled, making Hermione leave with her. Which left you alone with the twins, trying to find the words for your odd behavior. 

"Baby girl, why are you crying. Are you okay?" George said, rushing to your side. Checking you carefully for bruises or any other indicator to why you were crying. He ran his thumbs against your cheek. You tried pulling away from his touch but he wouldn't let you.

 He never let you cry alone, never in all the time you have known him. He would sit with you, and hold you until he could make you smile or even occasionally laugh.

"I just have a lot going on, that's all Georgie. I promise I am okay. I think I just need some rest." You  said, pretending to rub my eyes. Really you just wanted to read and try not to focus on your newly found "love" feelings. 

"Are you sure? I can stay for a b-" He started but you cut him off. 

"No- Really, I am fine. I just want to be alone, please just let me" You said, pulling at the sleeves of your pajama shirt. You could see the hurt cross his face as he backed up towards the door.

"Okay Darling, you know where I am if you need something. Sweet Dreams." He said shutting the door behind him, but he winked at you before disappearing. You couldn't help but smile.

 You couldn't help the irritation with him and he still called you by his pet name for you, "Darling". But you weren't that. You were a friend, you were his best friend and you just couldn't risk anything.

You had to keep him at arms length so neither of you got hurt in the end. You can't be loved, it's not worth it. You just climbed into bed, trying to focus on anything, but a certain red head. 

But the moment you drifted to sleep, you were welcomed with a reality that you could only dream for. A life with George. Married, with children, growing old together. Everything you could ever wish for, but you knew you could never have.

a rebel love// g.w.Where stories live. Discover now