Chapter Three

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You all trudged inside The Burrow, ready for some down time away from your professors and exams. Your bags and luggage were discarded by the front door, moment from the school year forgotten. You could not be more thrilled to be where you are today, your life could have been so much different if you had been sorted into Slytherin like your brother, Draco. You were pulled from your thoughts by a tug on your sweater. You looked at the reason and that would be Ginny.

"In your own world there, Em?" she questioned, trying to read your expression. You blinked before re-gaining your composure. 

" Yeah, I'm okay Gin. Just tired and need a good shower" You said following her up the stairs to her room, which the girls would be sharing for the summer. 

You carefully laid yourself down on the bed, trying to relax and recover from the long journey you all had. Hermione just looked at you over the top of her book.

"Can I help you? Stop staring" You grumbled, lifting your head to look at her. Trying to get her to open up about what she wanted.

" Are you gonna tell George you love him or just stare at him the whole summer?" She said turning the page to her book, before making eye contact with you. You looked at her absolutely shocked. You thought you had been doing at least a decent job at keeping it all under wraps, that nobody knew what you were actually feeling.

"Are you going to close your mouth, or answer me?" She stated, closing her book to have a full conversation with you.

" We are not discussing this Hermione, I can't tell him. I am not the girl for him, I am ugly, fat, no where near his ideal girl. I couldn't even get him to notice me if I tried." you sighed, running your hand over your tired face. She was shocked you even tried discussing it. You grabbed your pajamas, preparing yourself for an overdue shower.

You made your way out of Ginny's room and towards the bathroom. You thought about knocking on the Twin's door as you quietly passed by, hopefully catching a glance of George. But you refrained yourself and continued on your path to the bathroom. To your surprise the door was closed, and the shower had just turned off.

You impatiently stood outside the door, waiting for whoever to finish. Until you were practically run over when the door was flung open, and there you were evaluating your life as you laid on the floor. You slowly opened your eyes to look up at the person who nearly killed you.

And who was it? No other than one George Weasley. Standing over you with his hair wet, and body wrapped in a towel. You had to regain my composure before you took his hand to help you up. Once back on your feet, you couldn't help but smile at him as you slowly pushed your hair behind your ears again and twisting your ring on your finger. Somewhat of a nervous tick of yours.

"I uh-Uh-Uh...." you tried to find the words to address what had happened, but you were too focused on trying to check him out without him noticing. Cause here he was, standing in front of you. Still dripping water, wrapped in a thin towel, which left little to the imagination. It was an image you were going to ingrain in your memory.

" I am so sorry Em. Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, right? Oh my god." He murmured, running his hand through his damp ginger hair. You just laughed, putting your hand on his arm in an attempt to calm him. But the moment your hand hit his arm, you felt fireworks, and butterflies, everything you hear about in a muggle love story. 

You quickly pulled your hand away, a quick blush spreading onto your cheeks. You were trying to find the words to say.... you know without embarrassing yourself even more.

" I uh- are you done in the bathroom? you know so I can shower as well." You said, picking up your clothes that were spread along the floor from when Georgie ran you over. You quickly found everything but one item. Your panties, where is it... where is it?

You heard a whistle from behind you, and you shut your eyes in embarrassment. You turned around slowly, and there they were, your baby blue panties, hanging in plain sight. And by hanging, you meant they dangled off the tips of George's long, slender fingers. You groaned, trying to grab them from him and he just held them over your head. Knowing your short self would never be able to reach them, and you weren't trying much with him only being in a towel.

"Can I please have them? I just wish to take a shower and relax, maybe read some more tonight" You grumbled, still standing on your tiptoes to reach them. He just snickered under his breath, and here you are wondering why Fred hasn't come to look for his better half.

Feeling his hot breath on your face, you still struggled to reach, knowing that you couldn't even if you tried. You just felt his eyes on your face, trying to keep myself calm being this close to him.

"I will give them to you, if you give me a kiss" He said cheekily, all he ever did was flirt. But you knew it would never turn into anything. He is just doing it because he pitied you. A poor girl who was sorted into a completely different house than her ancestors. Who was disowned, basically forgotten. You were a no one. You were an orphan. That is how it would always be.

And everyone knew you weren't as beautiful as Angelina Johnson or Katie Bell. You would never be as smart as Hermione. And you would never have a family to love me the way Ginny does. You would never be good enough for George Weasley, and you had to accept that.

"Fine..." You said blushing a bright red. You quickly pecked him on the cheek, and grabbing your panties at the same time.  Before running in the bathroom so quickly and locking the door. You slid down against the door, taking a deep breath. You kissed the man you were falling for on the cheek and all you could do was run away. 

You jumped back from the door at the sound of a loud bang coming from the other side. You sucked in a deep breath and tried to regain any composure that you had left. He was my best friend and you ran away from him because you were afraid. Afraid to tell him everything you were feeling.

You could still hear George on the other side of the door as he grumbled "That is not what I was talking about" under his breath before leaving to his shared room with Fred. Trying to forget about the moment that had just been shared between the two of you

You couldn't stop yourself from smiling, rubbing your hands down your cheeks as you sat there. It was going to be a long summer here at The Burrow, but you couldn't be more excited to spend it with George.

a rebel love// g.w.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu