Chapter Five

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*This chapter includes a time skip to the end of the summer and The Quidditch World Cup*

You woke up the next morning, mad at yourself for sending George away. But you knew you  couldn't get hurt again and you knew you wouldn't hurt George in any way. 

So for the rest of the summer, you knew what you had to do. You had to avoid him. You had to keep him at an arms length because you couldn't stand to hurt him or to lead him on. You loved and respected him too much to hurt him. We just had to remain how we always have been. Friends, the best of them.

*Time Skip*

The Quidditch World Cup was today, summer was coming to an end and none of you were ready to head back to Hogwarts. It had been a relaxing summer for the most part, besides avoiding George when you could. 

You just couldn't bare to see him hurt. After all, you were a Malfoy at heart. Who knows what kind of evil is rooted deep within you. You couldn't let him get to close to you, knowing you could never forgive myself if you ever hurt him. 

Your morning started like every other morning, Hermione threatening to throw a book at you if you didn't get up. We had to hike to the portkey, which sucked because you are not a morning person. But somehow you managed to get up and pull yourself together.

 You quickly got dress, throwing on your green flannel with a white shirt underneath( You have to root for the Irish or the twins will kill you), jean shorts, a cute necklace, and some white sneakers (the picture included at the top).

You got all your stuff packed and made your way down to the living room in the Burrow. Greeted by the Weasley Clan as well as Hermione and Harry.

"Good Morning guys, we all ready to go?" you asked, double checking to make sure you had your latest book to read incase boredom got the best of you on the walk or more so the hike ahead of you. Everyone kind of grumbled or answered so you headed out. Hermione and you lagged behind most of the group, as you just enjoyed talking or reading.

"What are you doing reading?" Fred asked, nearly scaring you half to death. You tucked your book away and continued with the group.

"Uh- because I can and no one was talking to me anyways so it wasn't rude" you sassed back, he just laughed at you and just continued to talk and talk about new projects for the future joke shop.

Yourself on the other hand was busy looking at my environment, noticing you were coming to the top of a hill. There stood an older gentleman, probably about Mr. Weasley's age. 

"Arthur, what took you so long?" the man asked, shaking his hand. Mr. Weasley just shook his head stating that some of us were slow in the morning. Slow meaning Ronald and yourself.

"Everyone this is Amos Diggory, he works at the Ministry with me" Mr. Weasley stated, you all either smiled or waved at him. Until you were frightened by a young man, probably about the twins age, maybe a little older came flying out of a tree. 

You jumped and causing a squeal to escape your throat, and tried to regain your composure as much as possible. Amos identified the man as his son, Cedric Diggory. He was cute, and seemed rather nice. You remember him for Hogwarts, you think he may be a Hufflepuff.

"Hi I am Cedric.." He said, putting his hand out for you to shake, you finally looked him in the face. Blushing, you looked away making eye contact with Hermione who just egged you on to talk to him.

"Hi Cedric, my name is Emma" you said, taking his hand, smiling at him. Trying to erase the horrifyingly embarrassing blush off of your face. 

You heard snorting behind me and saw Fred laughing, but not at you. At the the look on George's face. It was mix of horrified and amusement. But what gave it away was the sadness that overtook his normally happy brown eyes. You were trying to read his face more and understand why he was so upset by your interaction with Cedric.

But you couldn't come up with an answer to why. Why all of a sudden something is starting to bother him, and it didn't happen when other guys flirted with you, or tried to make you laugh. 

So you just shook my head and started chatting with Cedric and Hermione. Just about school and how his summer was, and how excited we all our for the World Cup. After a bit of chatting, we were told it was time to go and we all grabbed onto the portkey. 

Harry on the other hand was too busy trying to figure out what the heck to do and almost missed the portkey completely

"Harry grab on!!" You screamed as we started to disappear. It felt like a bad roller-coaster, making my stomach all kinds of queasy, like you were going to be sick. It was like spinning in circles at a thousand miles an hour. 

"Let go" Mr. Weasley shouted over the whistling wind, all of us began to panic. However many feet in the air and felt like you would die if you let go. One by one everyone began letting go. 

"Emma, you need to let go now" Mr. Weasley said and you began to panic even more. My anxiety began to rise and you began to hyperventilate. 

You felt a hand wrap around your ankle, and you were pulled swiftly to the ground. Screaming the entire way to the ground, going a hundred miles an hour. You finally came face to face with the earth but surprisingly it was softer than expected. 

Until you heard a groan under you, and then you came face to face with a certain red head. George Weasley. You roughly pushed myself off his chest, and rubbed your sore shoulders. Until you felt the anger boiling inside of you. 

"Are you kidding me George Fabian Weasley, you could have killed me. Have you lost your entire mind?  I cannot believe you." you screamed at him.

You were fuming, you couldn't believe he just did that to you. He knows the anxiety you get when it comes to  heights. You have always been afraid of it since you fell off a broom in second year. You were goofing around with George and Fred and unfortunately you fell off breaking my arm.

Hermione helped you, just walking away. You couldn't even handle looking at him anymore. You were just excited to see the World Cup and eventually head back to school. You missed Hogwarts more than anything at this moment. 

You just don't know what to do about George anymore.

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