Chapter Six

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You just threw yourself on the bed in the tent, just trying to relax and control yourself after George decided to almost kill you. This isn't you overreacting and that's the sad part.

You honestly could have died, and he didn't even think twice about it. Instead he sent your body hurdling at the ground without blinking an eye. You were just laying in bed, swimming in your own thoughts filled with revenge and hurt until someone cleared their throat at the end of your bed.

"You got a minute?" Fred asked, while it wasn't who you were hoping for, you weren't disappointed as he is my best friend. He always would be. He knew how to get through to you when you wouldn't listen to anyone else.

You just nodded, sitting up. He knew he had your attention and he would begin to discuss what was bothering him, even though you very well knew the answer. It was George, that is what was bothering him so much. And as much as you wanted to be alone in that moment, you wanted to talk to Fred. You wanted your best friend. You needed someone to tell you off for being an idiot.

"I know you are upset, and if I was you I would be too. What George did, well that's not okay. He should know better than to scare you like that. He knows how afraid you are of heights. He just didn't want you to get hurt either. He wouldn't know what to do with himself. He loves you Em, and I sincerely mean that. He is miserable, will you please go talk to him. He won't stop pacing and he is driving me bloody bonkers." Fred said, looking half as miserable as you do.

You know he hates when we fight, because he ends up in the middle of George and yourself. Which isn't fair for him either. It's just not fair for any of us when we all love each other.

*George's Point of View*

I cannot believe I did that. Bloody Hell, she is gonna be so mad at me. She is never going to forgive me. It took two weeks for her to even look at me when she broke her arm goofing around with Fred and me.

She must be so mad, she probably hates me for doing it. I just couldn't see her get hurt. She means to much to me to get hurt and have something serious happen to her. She is too special to me. I just didn't see any other way to protect her.

I could only imagine if she had fallen and landed wrong, luckily she landed on me so I took most of the blow. I wanted to take most of it because she is so fragile. All I can do is hope that Fred can talk to her, maybe she will listen to him.

Until he comes out, or she throws a book at me. I am stuck here, facedown on the table, praying to who knows what kind of god that she will forgive me. I love her too much to lose her. But I could never tell her what kind of love that is.

*Back to Emma's Point of View*

You just listened to Fred, knowing he had a reason to come and talk to you. He knew how hard it is for you when we fight like this. More specifically when your anger overtakes you and you don't know how to backtrack from it.

You just stood up and finally deciding that you need to talk to him, this can't go on any longer. You can't sit here and pout because you got mad at him. It hasn't even been a day and you just missed him. You knew you needed to apologize for flipping out on him, you can't help it sometimes. You truly think that is the Malfoy in you.

You made your way out of your bedroom for the night, and saw him face down at the table. Like he was overthinking something. You couldn't help but smile at the sight, seeing how calm and collected he was. Him at his calmest was always your favorite, he was more himself than when he was high-strung, goofing around with Fred.

He must not hear you walking up behind him, as he has not budged from his spot. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, and felt him jump under your soft touch. But as soon as you had engulfed him, he physically relaxed. Taking a deep breath, waiting for you to speak.

a rebel love// g.w.Where stories live. Discover now