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I watch Thorin hanging limp from one of the eagles talons and start to panic when I can't see his chest rising and falling. After three hours of flying the eagles stop on a tall pillar of rock allowing the dwarves, Gandalf, Bilbo and myself to slip of their backs. I pat my eagle on the head whispering thank you in his ear. He caws softly before taking of into the sky with the others. I run to Thorin's side as his eagle lays him gently on the rock. I kneel down and press a hand to his forehead sending a small amount of my magic into him.

His eyes flutter open and I let out a small sigh of relief "Are you alright?" he grunts slightly and tries to sit up. I shake my head and push him back down "You are badly wounded stay still a moment." I take my water skin from my pack and open it closing my eyes and focusing on the water. It rises out of the container swirling around Thorin before covering him. I concentrate on each of his wounds letting the water wash away the pain and blood. It rises once more falling in a puddle on the ground.

I open my eyes and lean back slightly taking several deep breaths. The others have surrounded us in a tight arc and Gandalf pulls Thorin to his feet "Lucky for you Master Dwarf we have a very skilled healer in our company." I smile weakly and close my eyes focusing on one of my runes to help my strength return. I take my pack of my back and dig around until I find a small bottle of potion that Lord Elrond gave me before I left. I sigh and drink just under half, I can't wait to get my full magic back. 

Putting the remaining potion back into my bag I sling it back onto my back alongside my bow and quiver. Standing slowly I nearly fall over when Fili and Kili both tackle me in a hug "Thank you for saving our uncle." I smile and nod slightly, Thorin walks over and smiles slightly "Thank you." I nod returning his smile. A small bird flies past and the dwarves all follow it to the edge of the rock all gazing forwards to the distance peak of the lonely mountain. I smile slightly and Bilbo moves to my side "Is that what I think it is?" I smile and nod "Yes my dear Bilbo, that is the lonely mountain."

He smiles and I follow the dwarves as they climb slowly down the rock to level ground. I jump from the last rock landing in a crouch. Standing straight I follow the others as they start walking slowly. Gandalf walks over to me and looks at me curiously "Are you alright my dear? You have been acting differently since we left Rivendell." I smile "I'm fine. Fed up of feeling drained." he smiles kindly "You will get your magic back." I nod and sigh "Come on." 

We follow the dwarves and Bilbo forward across grassy land dotted with trees. Once the sun has fully set we make camp for the night. I collapse almost instantly and sigh, I can't remember the last time I slept so much. Bofur hands me a plate of food smiling "I gave you more than usual thought you'd earned it." I smile at his kindness and thank him. He grins and walks away handing out food to the others. I eat what I can before handing the remaining food to Bombur who hoovers it up in middle. 

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