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Mya drove on the empty freeway, her thoughts running wild as she gripped her steering wheel in frustration. She's grateful for the little traffic. Santa Praiser was almost 6 hours away and she had to check into the hotel she booked for the week. In no shape or form did she went to be held up on the road any longer than she needed to be.

Her mind was still scattered from yesterday, her heart in more pieces than before. How everything unfolded was improbable. Completely unexpected and uncalled for.

Mya began thinking maybe she deserved a heads up before blindly walking into that trap, but she knew nothing could've prepared her for it. It was her home.

It was an indescribable pitiful feeling, seeing Tristan. He looked so good. He was clearly eating well, taking care of himself as he normally would. His glow was nothing short of radiant and one that was probably because of the healthy amount of sex he was most likely having — it just wasn't fair.

The last time she had sex, it was with him and it hadn't been nearly as good as the previous times. Their relationship was ripping from under her feet. She felt it in the way he thrust inside of her, lazy and forcing himself to finish.

The way he kissed her was turning her heart into stone. No emotion or passion in his mouth. His touches became questionable, searing with immense boredom. His erections for her didn't last long either and that hit her self-confidence like a nuke.

The last thought made Mya's grip on her steering wheel tighter. The ache in her joints steadying her mind back on the road.

Why wasn't I enough?

She made the self-deprecating thought dissipate just as fast as it came. She was done with making herself feel like even more shit. She was more than enough for Tristan and it's not her fault he couldn't handle it. It wasn't her fault he wasn't ready — if that was even true.

She wanted to unwind during this summit. She was in a nice hotel away from all the commotion and traffic. The meetings weren't that long either this time around, only running for about a few hours during different days of the week. It was more than enough time to enjoy the area and what the hotel had to offer.

It was early in the evening when she arrived at Amber Resorts. She checked in, handing her keys over to the valet while handing him a generous tip — more than enough to make him really take care of the car.

She slid the keycard through the machine, the light on it turning green, letting her know the door was unlocked and the room was ready for entry.

She rolled her luggage inside, pushing the door open and letting it shut automatically behind her. The room she bought for the week was a suite. It was extremely large, almost resembling her master bedroom at home.

It had a beautiful balcony view with curtains that allowed you to oversee the several pools of the hotel and other tall buildings in the distance.

Mya inhaled a deep breath, letting her luggage fall over as she kicked her heels off and threw herself on the kingsized bed that was perfectly made. The comforter wasn't nearly as soft as hers back home, but she expected it. It was more than good enough for the week and she wouldn't complain.

She groaned softly, pulling herself up to a pillow. She was tired. Driving almost 6 hours straight with no one by her side was a mentally taxing challenge. She was used to being talked to by Tristan — or he'd be the one driving.

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