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Did my family really just bowed to my boyfriend. I stood there so dumbstruck and looked from my family to my boyfriend who looked so stone cold and I saw his eyes were light gold. I have never seen them this colour before. I slowly walked to him and touched his hand I have realized that at times its cools him down. We slowly walked in and he looked at my family.

Tshiamo: Please don't bow. He mumbled with is cool voice.

Mom: Why didn't you say that your friend is the Next King of Lesotho. I looked at my mother as if she was one hell of a crazy person and she might have him mistaken with someone else.

Me: Mom I think I would have known if am dating a king or a future king. Tshiamo would have told me. I turned to look at Tshiamo and he was looking at the floor and not even giving me eye contact. I looked at my dad and he looked at me with worry. My sister walked to me and took my hand and walked with me to the lounge she switched on the Tv and then turned to Lesotho Tv a channel that I never watched in all my life. And there was his father and mother on the Tv speaking about a new Mall that is being built. I stood there dumb struck and just watched them in their suit and the beautiful shawl. Wow he really is the future king. His parents are royals making him a royal too. I stood there for a while staring at the TV.


While Azar was that side with her sister I stood there and watched her parents.

Her dad: Uhm, you really not what I expected I already had a whole speech planned out. I smiled since he was all nervous.

Me: I don't mind hearing the speech. They both laughed. I looked at them and I could sense that they were generally good people and they adored they daughter. "well since am here and I have meet you. There is matter ill like to discuss if you can give me the opportunity." They both looked at me and they looked more nervous.

Me: if it not too much to ask but ill like to make your daughter my wife after her graduation and that if she agrees and of cause if I have your permission. They looked at me stunt. Azar mother just started crying, I guess I know where Azar get her crying from. 

Azar dad: You want to marry my daughter?

Me: yes sir

Azar dad: our oblivious, naïve little girl? I smiled at how he just summed her up.

Me: Yes, that if she agrees o it when I ask her.

Azar dad: But we are not royals. Am a police officer and my wife is a teacher.

Me: I don't matter what you both are, what matters is how I feel when am with her and I like who she makes me feel when am around her. They both looked at me and her mom was now sniffing but her tears were different. There were not sad or filled with pain. It like she was happy yet she is crying. I swear Humans will react way different in every scenario making it impossible to adjust to the norms especially woman.

Azar dad: you have our blessing. Azar mom nodded and just than she walked in and I saw she was crying and am not getting why she was crying.

Me: you crying. I looked right in her eyes and I saw her confusion.

Azar: you are Royal, your mother and father are on TV and they talking about a mall. You and your sister are the Prince and Princess of Mohale Hawk in Lesotho. Oh my gosh you even have a whole town named after you guys. Wait are you a mosheshe or a Motuag? What does that make me if you are a prince? Oh my gosh all along I have been kissing and hugging and dozing off on top of a Prince and I had no idea. Am I that stupid? Her dad cleared his throat and looked at me and I read the question in his eyes "Do you still want to marry her?" I smiled at him and nodded and he looked down in disbelief. 

Me: we still going out and we can talk this out. She looked at me and looked at her family that were staring at us and she nodded. I waved at the parents and while she was going to fetch her things.

Me: I'll send a note sometime this week. They nodded and I heard her sister screaming with excitement and Azar walked in and looked at her sister suspiciously.


He opened the door for me and I got in and we drove in silence. I still done believe that all along I have been with a Prince. A whole prince and I knew nothing about this. I was quiet trying to assess the situation. Yes, he is a very weird individual and I get that but this wasn't what I was think. I sat there and watch the car move further away from the city and with each mile we got closer to a forest and I felt myself tense up.

Me: where are we going?

Tshiamo: You will see. I nodded and I relaxed. We got in the most deserted place ever and drove in to be surround by trees and lots of land. He parked the car and got out to open the door for me. I got down and he looked me.

Tshiamo: the past few months have been a rollercoaster for myself and am sure for you too. I nodded. "well I have come to a conclusion that what I feel for you is more than just love, you are the bare of my existence. You are all I think about day and night and frankly you make me smile and that hardly happens trust me. But somehow, I haven't fully shared with you who I truly am and that bothers me. Like today you just found out I am a prince and I was going to tell you now.

Me: okay, there is more? He looked at me and for the first time ever his eyes were cat like. With a little bit of red and some green with blue. I moved a bit from him. "your eyes?' he closed them than open them again and there were worse they change to crystal white as if he was possessed. His skin was extra fair and I swear it was sparkling. Just before I can grasp what was happening, they changed to black and his whole skin was black and sparkling and slowly as if my eyes were deceiving me. My boyfriend grew huge enormous wings and I stood there with my eyes bulging out of my boyfriend has wings. He seriously just changed colour right in front of me. I closed my eyes and I felt myself get dizzy and in less than a minute I fainted. I felt strong hands hold me and I knew he was touching me and I felt myself float. I opened my eyes and yes, I was freaking flying and that made me clench my heart and faint again. I heard him say "fuck"..........

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