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I woke up and looked to the side and saw my husband sleeping by the couch and I touched my stomach and it was flat I felt the tiny tears escape my eyes and I felt the fear rises to choke me. I silently cried at my mistake of not listening, maybe if I stayed at home, I'll be still pregnant and we wouldn't be going through this. I curled in a small ball and cried doing my best not to wake him with my sniffing but I guess it didn't work because I felt his strong arms curl up behind me as he brought me closer to him and cuddled me that when I just let go and cried like there is no tomorrow.

Tshiamo: We going to be fine.

Me: how? I should have listened to you and stayed home look now what happening. He turned me around and I looked at his red eyes as they changed brown. 

Tshiamo: We go through things to make us go stronger and for us to grow. You know I love you with all my heart Azariah and am never going to let you go. You are my everything but mostly you the very reason that I breathe but today.... he took a deep breath and I saw his eyes get teary. "but Today I have never been so happy' I looked at him so confused.

Me: What you mean? He looked at me and smiled. Then he got up and left the room and I adjusted myself as he came back with a wheel chair. He helped me to the chair and he wheeled me out of my room and went to a room and helped me stand as we looked in the window. Right there in front of me were two replicas of him.  They were so small and so adorable. I stood there with tears streaming down my cheeks. In a few seconds one of them disappeared and I panicked and he held me,

Tshiamo: he does that a lot.  Just than two more appeared and the other one was smaller now I was looking at 3 babies. One that was bigger and the other two were the same size and they kept zoning in and out while the fat one just slept. "the lazy bum is a girl and the other two rascals are boys.' He helped me to the chair and kneeled in front of me.  "Thank you Ndlovukazi yamie, thank you for being strong enough to carry my seeds and for blessing me with this overwhelming feeling.'  He kissed my fore head and my heart danced with joy of knowing that am a mother to 3 beautiful babies.

1 year later.


Oh, not again, I woke up with a fright and turned the side table and saw that it was 2am. I woke up and switched on the light. The past year have been rough. I have lost my job because of the dreams that I have been having. I have been waking up with my whole body covered in blood when I have a dream of me killing myself slowly with a kitchen knife, I have tried to get professional help and traditional help to no extent. Am on any pill and every pill that you can think about but it's getting worse. I got out of bed and stepped into a puddle I looked down and saw it was blood and I got the lights brighter and the whole room was covered in blood from my bed to the floor and the wall. I closed my eyes thinking this is a night mare and open them again and just than the same voice came through out of nowhere. The same voice that has been asking me the same question driving me crazy as if am hearing things. It first came when I was in a meeting and everyone laughed thing am crazy. It ruined everything and any chance that I might have had on having a normal life.

Voice; why?

Me: who are you? What do you want? What do you want from me? What have I ever done for you to drive me this insane?

Voice; I want the same thing that you wanted for my child.

Me; I don't know you nor do I know your child? I tried to run but I felt like I was glued to the floor.

Voice; what wrong now? Can't walk? I stood there and cried as the voice laughed like it was one crazy man.

Me; you coward, hiding behind a voice, am not scared of not scared of a faceless man. The laughter stopped and somehow that gave me the courage.

'look who isn't brave anymore' I laughed so loud and then there was a sound of shattering glass and I looked around to see my penthouse room in shambles with the glasses everywhere. I turned to the corner and right there was wings so huge and my eyes couldn't believe what I saw. Azar husband with wings and red eyes and looking beyond angry.

Tshiamo; what the matter Mr khoza/ aint brave anymore? I tried to speak but my mouth was too dry to even formulate the words.  "you tried to kill my child" I stood there as the blood in my body turned cold.

Me; you haaaav wiiiings. I found myself stuttering and just than I pee myself out of fear and he looked at me with the smuggest face ever.

Tshiamo: no one messes with my family and get away with it.

Me; am sorry man, I'll never do it ever again.

Tshiamo: you right you won't. He flipped his wings once and the I felt myself lift from the floor and bang to the one wall I have in this suit and I felt my back crack in a million pieces. 'That for the pain you caused us and this...' he flapped his wings once more and I flew of the building from the 27th floor and as I went down, I saw him in my head as he laughed the evilest laugh as my body cracked into a million pieces when I got to the floor with instant death.

Next Morning

The Finale


I walked in the kitchen and found my beautiful wife and our beautiful baby girl baking. Her tiny laughter was filling the room as her mom was throwing flour at her. The nanny walked in with Today paper and placed it on the counter and just than I saw it. Ayanda made the front news on how he went crazy and how he was never the same until he killed himself. I turned just in time as I saw two muffins disappear from the container and I went and stood by the gap by counter and cabinets. I felt them bump on my knee.

Me: boys. There was silence as Hlelo and Hlela kept to themself. Hlengiwe threw the flour on my direction and they slowly appeared.

Azar: I swear you guys will be the end of me. She kissed Hlengiwe cheek and bend down to dust the boys off and I stood there admiring the love she has for our kids. I never told her that Ayanda tried to make her miscarry because I knew she would blame herself for that. As much as my kids have the power to block us from seeing them or anything that related to them, we try our best to protect them. The door opened and Tlali walked in with bags of things and the kids jumped in joy running to her.azar kept on smiling as she dusted her apron of flour and turned to look at me with loving eyes.

Me; happy?

Azar:more than I can explain..........

The End....

"nothing beats the power of a praying woman" please join me in my next adventure called Nomthandazo

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