Please Read This First

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Before you start, I just wanted to say a few words:

A few words.

(In all seriousness now)

1- I do not own konosuba or any of the characters here. This was simply made by a random fan who really likes the anime.

Please support the original.

2- I don't own any of the art here. Artists are awesome, I can barely draw a stickman.

Unfortunately though, most of the pics I have stored were scattered around the internet, with no artist watermark, and I am not sure what the sauce is.

I urge you to eat your nuggets without ketchup and mayo for now.

3- This story is not a harem. Quite the opposite. It's a slow burn. This means I will try my best to create actual relationships.

And by that I mean anime relationships, not the boring real life ones because who needs that anyway. 

4- I am sure you hear this a lot but ENGLISH IS NOT my native language. This means there will be a lack of vocabulary or even some spelling and grammatical errors. 

I hope you can look past that. 

5- (Y/N) stands for "your name", and to make it a bit less generic, you will not be from Earth but from the wonderful world of konousba.

This means Kazuma will still be relevant since he is the one getting Isekai'd here.

It's for the sake of true gender equality, because I feel a lot of stories just drop Kazuma. 

6- I won't take responsibility if you die from cringe. You have been warned.

7- This is my first fanfic. And by that I mean the first time I actually try to write something cohesive.

I am mainly writing this to relax. Though I decided to put out the chapters I write because, heh why not. It's a trashy schedule I know, but I am a college student trying to survive a fearsome battle against a demon king general known as physics and his minions, anxiety and lack of sleep. 

8- If you are still reading this thank you.

I will just upload what I write for the sake of it really.

Well that's all.

Chapter 0 will be an introduction to the (Y/N) character, eat your veggies, wash your hands, remember you are loved and stay safe out there. 


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Crimson Flower: YunYun x Megumin x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now