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You were so shocked to see Beom-soo and how he knew it was you under the mask. "Hop on!" He yells. You got into the van and he started driving. You turned to him, wanting answers. He turns to you and smiles brightly. "You're confused, aren't you?" Beom-soo asked and you nodded.

"I work with Dr.Choi...well my father does," he said.

"So you have superpowers?" You asked.

"No. My father does. He can make multiple of himself" Beom-soo replied.

"Beom-soo hurry up! He's losing a lot of blood" his father yells. He starts speeding up and you try to go towards that back.

"I can help," you said. You looked at where his wound was and closed your eyes to hear where his blood was flowing. You immediately stopped the blood from leaving as Beom-soo was driving back to headquarters.

Mr.Kang and his other selves took Jungkook inside to heal him, leaving you and Beom-soo alone.

"So your power is blood control?" He asked.

"Yeah, and it's sucks" you answered.

"I think it's cool. So if you have powers, doesn't that mean-"

"Jimin has them too. His is darkness manipulation. We happen to be cursed with these powers because of our birthday" you said.

"October 13?"

"Yeah. We were born on a Friday and it was 3 am so we were cursed"

"Oh...does Taehyung know-"

"He doesn't and we don't plan on telling him. We don't want to risk his life. King of Despair knows that I'm working with them and someone wants me so it's bad if we tell him right now"

"I see. Well, know your secret is safe with me. We should go see how Jungkook is doing" he said and you nodded.

The two of you headed inside and saw Namjoon with your brother. Jimin runs towards you and hugs you tightly. "I'm so happy that you're not hurt. Please be careful when you do out for missions" he said. You patted his back. "Don't worry Jimin, I will. I don't give up that easily" you said.

He pulls away and smiles brightly at you. Jimin then turns to see Beom-soo. "What is he doing here!?! You brought him here, (Y/N)! You know-"

"It's alright Jimin. My father works with Dr.Choi. I know about superheroes and villains. No need to worry" Beom-soo smiles.

"Alright..." Jimin said staring at the two of you.

"So (Y/N), what happened back there?" Namjoon asked.

"Well Jungkook wanted to be the hero and made me distract Yumi but it failed. She caught him and fired ice at him, making him get hurt. Before she could kill him, I stopped her by controlling her using her blood. But that failed too because King of Despair came and rescue her. She said something before she left. She said someone wants me and when I asked, she didn't say anything"

"Someone wants you?" Jimin asked and you nodded.

"No one knows about you yet so I wonder who. There's on King of Despair who knows..." Namjoon said.

"Does that mean there's another villain?" Beom-soo asked.

"I don't think so...maybe she was trying to scare you," Namjoon said.

"Probably. I mean I was controlling her so yeah" you said.

All of a sudden, you felt a vibration and pulled out your phone. You notice that you have a text from Taehyung. You opened it up to read his message.

let's go eat at a restaurant.

you, Jimin, me and my brother. He said he'll pay

What do you say?

"Jimin, Taehyung wants us to go to eat at some restaurant. What do I tell him?" You asked.

"Tell him sure" you texted him back, saying yes. You looked back at the others. "Jimin, promise me you won't leave me alone," you told him.

"Sure, but why?"

"I have a feeling that this dinner will be wild"

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