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The name of the chapter is the POV for that chapter)

     Waking up the day after the broken betrothal and an attempt on my father's life, leaves me uninspired to get ready for the day.

I know that it's normal for teens to stay in their beds all day after a breakup, but I don't have that option. This is not a normal breakup, and I am not a normal teen. I have a kingdom to learn how to rule, and a father that's eager for me to take it over.

Reluctantly I open my eyes and pull away my warm silk comforter, that beckons me back to bed. How I wish I could grant its request.

Using the bathroom to get ready for the day, I notice that Spike isn't in my room. Strange, normally he is what wakes me up, begging for food. Hmm I'm sure that he's prancing around somewhere looking for attention, or maybe my sister snatched him at night. Oh well, I won't get to worked up about it if she did, Spike loves her.

     As I'm showering I think about my ended betrothal. I'm not to upset about it, I didn't really like her anyways, she's so pompous, and self entitled. What is worrying me is who my father will replace her with. Miranda may have been annoying but she was far from the worst candidate. I think of Darla, the daughter of the Bear shifters Alpha, and how my father had almost set me up with her. I was so greatfull that he didn't, because of how feral she is, but she may be the next best option in my father's eye. I mean to be fair her father has never tried to assassinate him.

     I clear my head of these worrying thoughts as I put on my most casual suit and shoes, and head out to grab some breakfast before lessons with father at 7. Hopefully theres still some pancakes left in the dinning hall.

     Leaving my room I go to say good morning to Fred -the guard posted at my door, only to be shocked to find him missing. I look to the other side of my door and gasp when I see nothing, like actually nothing. Gone are the castle walls I was expecting, and in their place nothing, but blank whiteness in all directions, a complete void.

I could believe that this is a simulation of my fathers design but it lacks his straight forwardness. I'm enticed to believe that I'm dead but that's not it either, I know of heaven and of the underworld and this is most certainly neither of those. This is something else entirely.

Turning around I see that my door has disappeared. I walk aimlessly in a random direction for a bit but when I look back it seems as though I have not moved an inch.

Facing the other direction I notice a door that was most certainly not there before. Not wanting to waste my chance to escape this strange dimension I run towards it, only to see it flung open with a 3 inch stiletto heel steeping out. The impressive shoe is followed by a long lean leg. And attached to the leg is a very angry, very loud, very human teenage girl, yelling and stomping towards me.

Hey that's the end of this chapter! Thanks for reading, please let me know if there are any typos or something that you think I could improve on so far!!

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