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      Run my instincts tell me. Don't stop. Go, go, go. I can hear his rushing footsteps, feel his breath on my neck as I continue running.

     I've been running so long, I never thought that he would catch me. Or even care enough to catch me. I honestly don't know why he bothers, none of them have ever cared about me, but he hasn't stopped. Even when our brother tired of the hunt, he could never let me go.

      Turning into the next ally I see the sun just barley starting to rise over the edge of the wall. Distracted for a second, I allow myself to slow down. But then I feel it, his hand on my arm, trying to yank me to him.

     But I will not be captured so easily, not after running for so long. I push away from him urging myself to be faster. That's one of the things Lucien hated most about me. It's kind of funny really, where my brother and father hated me for being the bastard child, Lucien only ever cared that I was faster than him. Stronger than him, smarter than him. He never could stand to be in second place.

     Even though I know it's a dumb idea I look behind me. Damn it! I trip over a bike. Of course the one time I look back it's my literal down fall, I think as I plummet to the floor.

     What I'm expecting as the grubby hard concrete of this shady ally, turns into nothing. Hmm what? I look down at what should have been the ground. But all I see is white all around, I'm not even falling anymore; but instead standing straight up in this empty space.

     Well maybe not completely empty, I think to myself as my eyes fall on two people. One sitting on the floor, leaning back on her arms, watching me curiously, and the other standing there straight and tall. Behind the two strangers stands a bright white door, almost indistinguishable against the vast white void.

The others curious as to what I'm looking at, turn around in time to see the door spit out a new person, they look to each other in confusion.

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