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     This is utterly ridiculous, I think to my self as I march towards my mentors house. Or hovel more accurately. I mean we're in actual heaven you would think he would choose to live in some big house or something but no. He lives in a yurt.

     A freaking yurt. I don't know why Father admires him so much, or why he insists on me learning from him. But Gabriel is nothing if not reasonable, he does everything for a reason. So I'm sure that he will stop this ludicrous training. I mean me go to earth? With all the idiot humans? Ha I think not.

     I call out to Gabriel upon entering his yurt. Nothing, hmm he must be in the garden I decide. Heading out that way, I make sure to close his back door, god forbid that one of his idiotic goats get loose.

     "Gabriel are you out here? We must talk at once!" I shout out for him but get no reply. It's almost as though the hippy is ignoring me. Watching out for goat droppings I head toward his shed, the only other place that he could be.

     "Gabriel, if you're in there and you've been ignoring me don't think I won't report this to my father!" I reach down for the handle, thinking that I hear something inside, even though the lights would appear to be off.

     Stepping into the shed I'm surprised to find it fully illuminated. Strange, I swear just moments ago the light was off in the window.

     After allowing my eyes to readjust to the unexpected light I discover something even more unexpected. I'm not in the shed, I turn back around towards the entrance only to find it gone, replaced with white in all directions. Turning back around I see four strangers. Ugh I do not have time for silly little set backs, I think to myself as I take in the different people, reading their auras.

     Hmm the girl that's sitting, has a humans aura, but there's something else, something more. I look deeper into her purple tinged aura, but still can't place a finger on what makes her aura different from most humans.

     Looking away from the anomaly, I turn my eyes to the white headed boy, whose obviously fae. I don't even have to concentrate on him to know what type either. The hair gives it away.

     Lastly I look to the boy with dark brown hair, whose surprisingly taller than me. I focus on his aura feeling power coming off of him in waves. Interesting, a dragon shifter, that must mean he's part of or at least close to Terras royal family. Ugh it also means he has one of those annoying accents, I honestly don't know where they get it from, I mean their realm is no where near Australia.

     Strong supernaturals and a strange human are all gathered here and I wonder why? But that's a mystery for another time. For now I must escape this labyrinth.

     "What is the meaning of this? Release me at once!" I demand. But they just look at each other and start laughing like nimrods.

     "Excuse me! I demand to be answered!" They only laugh harder after hearing me yell. What is with these insubordinate fiends? The girl who sits on the floor rises to a standing position, only to bow down to me.

     "I apologize your royal highness, I didn't hear you." She says in a voice thick with sarcasm before standing tall. The boys chuckle again after watching her annoying display of disrespect.  They think that it is funny for a human to be so snarky to an angel? I'll show them funny.

     Fed up with there adolescent games I gather a ball of light in my hands. If they won't answer me seriously then I'll just have to put them to sleep for a bit, like the witch with the spilt aura that's currently laying down. Only difference will be that they won't wake up until I want them to.

     Im pulling my arm back, preparing to release the ball of light that will send them all to sleep on impact, when I feel my legs start to freeze up. The cold feeling travels all the way up my body and into my hand holding the ball. I can't move, literally frozen in place.

     Frozen in ice and shock, I look at the fae. He shouldn't be able to use his powers outside the winter kingdom. Well that is unless he's a royal fae. But what are the odds of that? That a royal dragon shifter, a high up angle, a powerful human, a royal fae, and a split witch, would all be brought into one dimension?

     This isn't a random selection of people, this is a gathering, and from what I can tell, there is almost one representative present from each realm. And if that is true, if someone is gathering high up people from each realm, then that means it's only a matter of time until a demon arrives.

     As if on cue, another door appears, the others stop having what ever conversation they were having while I was distracted to look to the new door.

     A person steps out, legs sheathed in skin tight black pants, head crowned by a pair of red horns, and in a pale hand, she holds an, cream cone?

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