Chapter 29 - Homewelcome

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Once we got home Rick told me to lay down on the bed and get some rest because he had something planned for the evening for us. So I went into the bedroom and laid down on the bed, not soon after I laid down Alexis came in and I looked at her with a smile. She blushed before she opened her mouth.

"Can I come up?" she asked carefully and I smiled at her.

"Of course, come here" I said and I moved the sheet so she could climb down beside me.

Before I had gotten in the bed I had changed into a big shirt of Rick's to make it more comfortable. Alexis snuggled closer to me and I put my arm around her small body to pull her closer. She had her back towards me so when I leaned down to kiss her head I could also smell her hair. 

"Kate?" she asked after a while.

"Yes sweetie?"  I said and she took my right hand, the one which I had around her.

She started playing with my fingers and I couldn't help but smile.

"Are you and dad gonna get married?" she asked and I felt shock spreading in my body.

"I-I don't know sweetie, not now but maybe in the future" I said and she moved a little so she could lay on her back and be able look at me.

"If you do, do you promise not to stop being nice to me?"she asked with a whisper and I saw her eyes water some.

"What?! Why would I stop being nice to you?" I asked shocked by her request.

"Gina did, she pretended when my dad was around that she liked me, but she didn't care for me at all" she mumbled and she turned to hide her face in the pillow.

"Who's Gina? Your dad's old girlfriend?" I asked and she shook her head.

"His ex-wife" I heard her mumble and I suddenly understood why she was worried I would stop caring for her if him and me ever got married.

"Alexis?" I said carefully and she nodded.

I could hear her crying but I wouldn't give up.

"Alexis, look at me" I said gently. 

After a few minutes of thinking she turned and looked up at me.I immediately wiped away her tears and stroke her cheek.

"I promise I am never gonna stop caring for you. I love you like a daughter and I would never be able to push you away. And even if it turns out me and your dad breaks up, believe me I don't want that but if, then I would continue checking up on you for as long as you want me there, ok? Don't ever doubt that I won't be there for you, do you understand?" I said as gentle I could and she nodded before she put her arms around me.

I tightened the hug and we stayed like that for a while before we pulled away but I still had an arm around her.

"You know, I never thought my dad could be as happy as he is when you're around, he's always been happy but when you're around there's a different kind of happy in him" she said and I bit my lip smiling. "And I can see the same glow in you, when you're around him. Gram told me it's because you're soulmates" she added proudly. 

I couldn't help but let go of a giggle and I buried my face in her hair. 

"And how do you feel about that?" I asked carefully. 

"I love it, I want you to be my mom" she said and I smiled widely.

"I want to be your mom too" I breathed and I felt her taking my hand, hugging it tight with her own.

"What are you up to ladies?" Rick asked as he got inside the bedroom.

"Nothing" me and Alexis said at the exact same time and I saw Rick gazing at us.

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