A New Journey

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Later that evening, Tenley explored the bunker. When she arrived at where the Lifeboat was sitting in its charged state, her mouth fell agape. She blinked at it. She couldn't tear her brown eyes from the vessel before her.

An English voice spoke softly beside her, "Amazing, isn't it?"

"I thought you guys were kidding about the whole time-traveling thing," she admitted.

Connor Mason chuckled as he crossed his arms, turning and leaning into the table, he asked, "What did you think you were doing here then?"

She finally ripped her gaze away from the machine to look at Connor. "Honestly, I thought you might be Russian spies or something."

Mason let loose a hearty laugh. "No," he chuckled. "Not spies. Not really... we-" He was interrupted by rapid beeping on the computers that sat on the table he was leaning on.

Alarms suddenly started to blare throughout the bunker. Tenley watched the lights all around them as they flashed along with the alarms. She asked, "What's going on?"

Before Mason could explain to Tenley what was going on, Agent Christopher asked, "What's happened?"

Jiya pushed her way to the computer next to Mason, causing Levinson to back away from everything and take her place at the back of the group. She felt a familiar warmth next to her and glanced over her shoulder to see Flynn standing there, waiting to hear the news from Christopher.

Jiya announced, "The Mothership jumped. They're..." there was the sound of the keyboard clicking before the rest of the sentence was spoken. "They're a few miles outside the Senlis Forest in France, 1915."

Every set of eyes turned to Lucy, even Tenley's. Lucy was deep in thought, racking her brain to find the answer. What happened in France in 1915 that Rittenhouse would be concerned about? Suddenly, Lucy's face lit up and the answer had shown itself.

Lucy quickly shouted, "Dorothy Lawrence!"

"Who?" Wyatt asked what everyone was thinking.

Lucy shook her head, realizing that she was getting ahead of herself. These people around her weren't historians and history didn't mention this woman, so she knew that she would have to explain it to them, step by step. She tried again. "Dorothy Lawrence. She was an aspiring English journalist who disguised herself as a man to work on the front lines of Somme."

"What would the connection be for Rittenhouse? What did she do that would have them target her?" Christopher asked.

Lucy thought for a moment. "I'm not sure - I mean, she spent approximately 10 days on the front lines, laying mines and digging tunnels and trenches before it took such a toll on her that she was forced to expose herself to her commanding officers. They took her to their headquarters and interrogated her as a spy, forced her to sign an affidavit to keep her from writing whatever it was that she saw..." Lucy's voice trailed off in thought before saying, "She was the only known woman soldier on the front-lines...but... I honestly don't know what Rittenhouse would want with her." Another thought crossed her mind. "She wrote a memoir, which sold poorly, but maybe her true purpose behind all of this wasn't written because her commanding officers withheld it all because of the 1914 Defense of the Realm Act that they used to silence her."

"What happened to her?" Rufus questioned with genuine curiosity.

Lucy looked forlorn. "She ends up in a mental institution where she dies, alone. It's quite sad. I always thought it was a bit of a mystery why there was so little information on her life-"

Christopher cleared her throat, cutting the conversation short. She started to say, "Then let's get going. Rufus, Wyatt, Lucy-"

Lucy interjected, "No."

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