Countdown To Zero

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Jiya was inside the Lifeboat tinkering away at the control panel. Rufus climbed inside and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I've been working on an upgrade for the Lifeboat," she explained.

"What upgrade?" he asked, sitting down in one of the other seats.

Jiya continued working as she said, "You know how you guys have been saying that you believe the Mothership leaves before you're finished with your mission?" Rufus nodded. Jiya continued, "I've come up with a way to have the Lifeboat recognize when that happens so you'll know when missions are a fluke or distraction."

"How will it tell us if we aren't in the Lifeboat?" Rufus questioned.

Jiya held up a small item. "I'm working on this being the transmitter," she told him. He took the item from her hand. It was a pen.

She pointed to the cap. "Right there on the end? That's a light. When the Mothership jumps, it will light up red."

Almost as if on cue, the pen lit up bright red. "Like that?" Rufus asked.

Jiya chuckled. "It works!"

The alarms inside the bunker began to sound. Jiya and Rufus climbed out of the Lifeboat and headed over to the computer. Jiya began typing at the keyboard, bringing up the information on where the Mothership had gone.

Agent Christopher asked from behind them, "What have you got?"

"November 20, 1916," Jiya stated. "Naples."

Lucy's eyes darted back and forth as she thought quickly. When the idea came to her, she spoke barely at a whisper, "The Britannic."

The group turned to look at her. Agent Christopher asked, "Are you sure?"

Lucy nodded. "There was a bad storm that kept her in port that night but the ship left the next morning. They struck a mine in the Aegean Sea around eight in the morning and sunk within 55 minutes."

Agent Christopher nodded. " let's make sure that we follow Mason's advice since he's read the journal."

Tenley paled at the suggestion. Flynn saw her face and asked, "Are you all right, Nine?"

She tried to swallow but found that to be difficult. She felt like her throat was closing on her. She took a couple of shaky breaths.

"Nine?" Flynn repeated, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Hey," he whispered, moving his hands to her cheeks, pulling her gaze to meet his. "Talk to me."

She blinked back tears. "I can't do this..."

"What?" he asked.

"I can't..." she tried to say again.

Agent Christopher stood beside them. "What's going on?"

Tenley's fear remained on her face as she stammered, "I can't...I can't do this...Not this..."

Wyatt interjected, "She was on the Pulaski, remember?" When the team turned to face him, Wyatt added, "She was on board when it blew. She was with Jack in the water and once they were on land..." He didn't have to continue. They remembered.

Flynn turned his gaze back to Tenley. "Hey," he cooed. "I'll be there with you. I won't let that happen again."

"55 minutes," she repeated, eyes lifting to his again. "It sinks in 55 minutes..."

"I know," he told her. "I'll be there with you."

"We'll need your expertise," Lucy tried to say. "I'm sure people will need medical care-"

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