Unforgettable Sorrow

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The group, following the wife, stepped outside of the house. Just at the edge of the path leading to the homestead by the road, stood a man being bombarded with hugs and kisses from his kids. The older couple was also standing next to him, almost welcoming him home from a long trip.

When the family started to walk up to the house, the man's eyes landed on the team and he froze mouth agape.

The wife said, "Your friends have been waiting for you."

Karl swallowed nervously, setting his daughter down onto the grass. He nodded slowly. "Let me set my bag down inside and kiss my wife. I'll be out shortly to join you."

The team nodded, stepping away from the house as they watched Karl and the family walk back inside together. The wait was short - a few minutes - before he returned to the front yard. He approached the team, motioning them to follow him to the barn.

Once they were safely inside the barn, he turned around, pistol aimed at them. "What do you want?"

The team raised their hands instinctively. Wyatt quickly stated, "We just want to talk."

"Yeah?" he asked. "Why won't you people just leave me alone?"

"What are you talking about?" Wyatt questioned.

Karl scoffed. "I know you're not from this timeline. You don't even sound like you belong here."

"Wait," Rufus started. "'This timeline'...so you're not from now either?"

Karl shook his head. "Of course not...isn't that why you're here?"

Lucy replied, "No...not exactly."

"Then why are you here?" he asked.

"First," Flynn jumped in. "Mind lowering your weapon? Clearly, we're not here to do you any harm, or your family..."

Karl nodded, lowering his pistol, but still holding onto it, just in case. Flynn looked over to Lucy and she began, "You're with Rittenhouse, aren't you?"

Karl released a short sigh. "I was...I left."

"How do you just leave something like that?" Rufus questioned. "I thought no one could just leave-"

"Why do you think I've tried to fake my own death?" Karl spat. "I don't want them to come looking for me."

"Might be too late for that," Wyatt stated. "They know you're here; it's why we're here."

Karl ran his hand across his face, wiping away the beading sweat from his brow. Lucy asked, "Why are you trying to leave Rittenhouse?"

Karl shook his head. "You're telling me that you don't know?"

"Know what?" she pushed.

He took a deep breath. "Rittenhouse helped me when they first recruited me. Told me that I would make a difference to the world in ways unimaginable. I asked them what I would get out of it...they paid my family's debts, cleared my innocent brother's name, and got him released from prison... how could I refuse?" He paced a few steps before stopping, thinking about what to say next. "They took me off the streets, near death, and offered me a place to live - rent-free - food always stocked...I mean, it was like I won the lottery." He turned back to face the team. "When they brought me in to see the Mothership, I thought it was a joke. But then I was sent with them back in time. It was unreal to me. When I asked them what it was that they wanted me to do, they explained that I would need some training, but when it was over, they'd place me here to await further orders." He walked back in front of the team, looking between them. "I have been here for over twenty years. I fell in love, I went to war... I made a life for myself here..."

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