The Future By Its Throat

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As Mason and Tesla continued their lengthy conversation regarding time travel, Wyatt, Rufus, and Lucy huddled near the opposite end of the room. Wyatt asked, "Any ideas where they might have gone?"

Lucy shook her head. "If they are Bloodstone, they could be anywhere."

"When does this fire start?" he asked.

"From that, I remember," she started. "It is lit in the basement of this building and it spreads quickly."

"Great," Wyatt remarked. "Let's get to the basement and cut them off at the start."

Rufus's eyes widened. "Are you sure that's wise?"

"What else do we have to do?" Wyatt stated, motioning towards the two on the other side. "Those two are going to be going at it all night."

Lucy sighed. "We can't leave them here."

"Fine," Wyatt began. "You stay here and force them to leave if you hear the smoke alarms."

Rufus glanced between the two. "Seriously? That's your plan?"

"Do you have a better one?" Wyatt asked.

Rufus scoffed. "How about not getting snippy with your pilot?"

"Sorry," Wyatt replied sincerely. "I just hate having to wait around when we know the danger's right there."

"Then go," Lucy suggested. "I'll wait here and try to get them out the door when it starts."

Rufus hesitated but followed Wyatt down the stairs towards the basement. Once Lucy was alone, she turned her attention back to the two men conversing on the opposite end of the room as they shared theories.

She realized just how thoroughly bored she was.

Wyatt and Rufus descended all the stairs until they reached the basement. Wyatt removed his gun from his holster under his coat and started to clear the room. Rufus followed close behind.

The basement had seen better days. Water stains littered the floors and walls. Rats crawled about the floor, hiding under the array of pipes as the two neared them.

Rufus asked, "Who do you think the woman with the Suits is?"

"What do you mean?" Wyatt asked as he continued clearing out the room.

"Well," Rufus began. "The last time we had encountered a female Bloodstone agent, it turned out to be Mata Hari."

Wyatt sighed, realizing what Rufus was saying. He hadn't given it much thought, but it made sense. He turned to reply to Rufus's comment when movement caught his attention.

"Watch out!" he shouted, pushing Rufus out of the way. Wyatt's push had come too late and the sound of a gun firing echoed loudly within the confines of the basement.

Rufus felt that familiar sear of hot pain coursing through his left shoulder. He slumped onto the dirty basement floor, clutching at his shoulder. Pulling his hand away from his shoulder, he glared at the red stain dripping at his palm.

Wyatt glanced over at Rufus before turning his attention back to the entrance of the basement. The person who had shot at them had disappeared. He knew that they had to still be inside the room. He needed to keep a strong eye out for the person responsible.

He whispered, "Are you okay?"

"They shot me!" Rufus muttered through the pain.

Present Day

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