Still Of The Night

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Present Day

The team slowly emerged from the Lifeboat. Tenley relaxed when she spied Flynn exit, seemingly unharmed. She had found herself worrying over his safety since he left.

When her eyes landed on Wyatt, who had his arm over Flynn's shoulders, they widened, blinking at the state of him. She rushed forward, helping Flynn escort him to the infirmary.

Agent Christopher eyed Wyatt as he hobbled by. "What happened?"

Rufus stated, "Count Dooku helped us with a Bloodstone problem."

Denise furrowed her brow at Rufus. "Excuse me?"

Lucy shook her head, rolling her brown eyes. "Christopher Lee."

"I'm confused-" Agent Christopher began.

Lucy waved all the comments aside and stated, "We met Christopher Lee, but that wasn't why Bloodstone was there."

"Bloodstone?" Denise asked. "You're sure it wasn't Rittenhouse?"

"Four men in black suits?" Rufus asked. "Definitely Bloodstone."

"They were there to stop the execution of Eugen Weidmann," Lucy said. "Turns out he was a Bloodstone agent."

After Lucy filled Agent Christopher in on what had happened on the mission and how Wyatt ended up in the condition he was in, Agent Christopher nodded, ordering the team to get some rest while they could.

Jiya walked beside Rufus and asked, "You actually got to meet 'The Man With The Golden Gun'?"

Rufus laughed. "I'll tell you all about him."

Tenley had gotten to work examining Wyatt's battered body. She asked him a series of questions, which he answered as best as he could. He was in a lot of pain.

Flynn stayed in the infirmary, helping Tenley as she needed it. Once she had finished her examination of Wyatt, she had placed his arm in a sling, giving him some pain medications before ordering him to rest.

"For how long?" he groaned.

Tenley looked pained as she stated, "For a while, I'm afraid."

Wyatt didn't seem happy to learn that he'd be out for a while. "Come on, doc...there's got to be something-"

"Wyatt," she started. "You're lucky you're not worse than you are. You had a dislocated elbow, three bruised ribs - not to mention all the other bruises and scrapes all over your body." She sighed. "You're lucky you're even able to stand up at all - let alone see out of your left eye since your cornea is semi-detached from the retina." She could see the disappointment in his face. She spoke softer, "You need some time to recover. The sooner you recover, the sooner you can rejoin the team."

"What do you mean, rejoin?" Wyatt asked. He turned to Flynn, thinking he missed something. Flynn's brows had knitted together, turning his attention back to Tenley.

She glanced between the two. "The Mothership had jumped shortly before you returned. They're in London, 1888."

"No rest for the wicked," Flynn muttered the quote.

Wyatt shook his head. "I should be going out there-"

"I know," Tenley admitted. "But you're not going. You can barely stand up straight." She started to help him towards his room. "Best place for you to be is in bed."

After Flynn helped Tenley get Wyatt into his own bed, he stopped her a short few feet from his door. "When did the Mothership jump?"

"Like I said earlier," she started. "Just before you returned."

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