Morning Is Here

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Tenley's eyes struggled to open and focus on the ceiling tiles looming overhead. Squinting, she blinked at the tiles. They seemed familiar to her; she wasn't sure why.

She moved her arm, glancing down at the lack of restraints holding her down. Her eyes scanned the room. She was confused as she took in the neat bookshelf, the silver picture frame that sat on one of the shelves.

Her eyes drifted down to an old armchair where she saw Flynn sitting, reading one of his books. His eyes lifted to meet hers. Waves of emotions washed over his features as he closed his book, dropping it next to him in the chair before standing up to approach her.

"Hey, Nine," he said quietly. "How are you feeling?"

"Where am I?" Tenley whispered. "What happened?"

Flynn smiled warmly at her. "You're safe. You're back in the bunker," he explained. "You're in my room."

Tenley was about to ask another question, but a knock on the door prevented her from doing so. After the knock, the door opened and the rest of the bunker had squeezed themselves into Flynn's small room.

"Tenley, you're awake!" Lucy announced. "How are you feeling?"

Denise motioned for the team to wait, which Tenley was appreciative of. However, her appreciation was short-lived when Agent Christopher began asking her questions, "Do you remember what happened to you? Who shot you?"

Questions upon questions began flying at Tenley. Her head was swimming with all of them asking their questions. Flynn could see her struggling to make sense of everything. "Guys," Flynn interjected, silencing everyone. "She just woke about we give her a moment to gather herself?"

Denise nodded slowly. "I'm sorry," she started. "We'll give you some time. Come find us when you're ready."

Tenley nodded that she understood as she watched the team file out of the room. They offered her smiles and showed their excitement that she seemed fine.

When the door to Flynn's room closed behind everyone, Tenley tried to sit up. Flynn stopped her. "Careful," he said, placing his hand on her shoulders to keep her from moving too much. "You need to rest."

"What happened?" she asked again.

Flynn's brow knitted together. "What do you remember?"

Tenley's eyes darted back and forth as she tried to recall her last memory. "I remember ... I remember Roger."

Flynn tensed. "I'm sorry," he began. "I had no idea what he was capable of."

"Me either, apparently," she replied. "What did he do to me?"

Flynn explained what he knew from his perspective. When he was finished, Tenley asked, "How did you find me? I mean, not many people know about the abandoned section of the hospital."

"I followed him," Flynn stated. "We were told you were in surgery, but I checked out all of the OR weren't there."

"You checked all of them?" Tenley asked. "How'd you get by the security?"

Flynn smirked. "Turns out that once you're dressed in scrubs, no one bats an eye at you."

Tenley let a small chuckle out, then winced at the pain in her stomach. She reached for her right side.

Flynn asked, "Do you remember much about the mission you were on?" He motioned to her stomach. "Do you remember who shot you?"

Tenley sighed, thinking back on it. Her eyes closed as she tried to think it over. Suddenly, her eyes flew open. "'Your mother sends her regards'..." she quoted.

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