Bravely Forward

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It had been well over four months since Tenley had been recruited by Agent Christopher. She started to feel more at ease living in the dingy, dark bunker. She had become close friends with Jiya and Lucy. She felt that even the guys were friends, but not quite as close as she had become with the girls. Tenley found that as time continued to go by, she was less intimidated by Flynn, though he still had his moments.

The group continued to hold their weekly game nights. On the rare occasion, Agent Christopher started to stay for one short game of something but would stick to her routine of going home to her family. As Tenley had expected, playing the games had brought the team closer together; they were talking and joking with each other, and eventually, they started sharing more about their personal selves as time went on.

Rufus had retired his use of the crutches for his badly bruised leg but still walked with a limp. It would still be a little while before it was fully healed, but he had made significant progress.

Flynn no longer sulked about the bunker since the mission to Munich. He mustered the courage to finally mention a few words about it to Tenley in passing. She kept to her word and didn't press him to elaborate. He could see that as he spoke to her briefly on the matter that she had given him her fully unabridged attention. She didn't ask questions, she didn't take notes. When he finished saying whatever he had to share, she nodded but kept silent. He thanked her for being discreet. The only thing she had said was how she'd never share what was said with anyone - Agent Christopher included - unless she thought he'd be a danger to someone or himself. He agreed to those terms.

Mason had been tinkering with the Lifeboat - trying to tweak some of the modifications - and ended up slicing his hand open on some sharp components within. Tenley had patched him up, sending him on his way with orders to be more mindful. It wasn't until she had taken the supplies from her cabinet that she realized just how low they had gotten on medical supplies. She began to think back over all of the times she's had to use her stash - most of which she had taken from the hospital she worked at before her recruitment. She took an inventory of what was left and exited the infirmary to catch up to Agent Christopher before she left for home that evening.

Denise was walking down the corridor towards the bunker's exit when Tenley approached her. The doctor was holding a notepad in her hand. "Do you have a minute?"

Denise nodded. "What's on your mind?"

"I just finished patching up Connor," Tenley started.

"Patching him up? Why?" Denise asked, confused. Mason hardly ever did anything to cause harm to himself, unless it was his ego, then she felt he did plenty.

Tenley waved it off. "Something with the Lifeboat...anyways, I noticed after I finished with him that we are running low on supplies."

"What do you consider low?" she questioned. She wanted to make sure that if she sent the list of supplies the doctor needed that it was for just cause, not just because her inventory levels were lower than she'd like.

Tenley didn't blink. "Let's just say that if someone were to seriously hurt themselves, I might be able to patch them up once, maybe twice if I'm stingy." Denise was about to reply when Tenley interrupted her, "I can get the supplies if you let me-"

Before she could finish her offer to get the supplies herself, alarms rang throughout the bunker. Agent Christopher let out a heavy sigh. She was so close to being able to go home, but now she was stuck here to deal with another time jump, courtesy of Rittenhouse.

Tenley followed Agent Christopher back to the main area. When they arrived, Jiya informed the group of when the Mothership had landed. "They're in Leeuwarden, Netherlands...1895."

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