Chapter 1

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Jay's P.O.V

Erin was gone. She really did leave Chicago. She left me. Erin didn't even talk to me about going to New York. Did I mean that little to her? Did she really not see a future for us? I did. I was going to propose to her. I had the ring, and everything. I wanted to marry her, but obviously she didn't want the same. I needed to get out of here. For the weekend to just leave Chicago, and clear my head. I was sitting on the steps of the precinct. People were just walking by me. I didn't even realize when a brunette sat down next to me.
"Jay, are you ok?" It was Kim. She had a concerned look in her eyes. It surprised me, but didn't at the same time. Kim was new to the team, but even with only really knowing her work self I could tell that she cared. The team was a family.
"I just...need to get out of here for the weekend. Someplace where I'm not reminded of her." I didn't really answer her question. I wasn't even talking to Kim. I was talking to myself.
"We could go to Vegas if you want. I've been there a couple of times when I was a flight attendant, but never really explored. Or if you want to go somewhere alone that's fine. I just don't think you should be alone." Vegas how the hell did Vegas pop into her mind. I mean getting away would be great, and Vegas is pretty far away from New York, and Chicago. Going with Kim might be fun. We haven't really gotten to know each other outside of work or Maggie's, and I probably shouldn't be alone.
"You know what that would be great, but where did Vegas come from?" Kim didn't seem to like the big party scene, or someone who liked to gamble. Why did she think of Vegas? I mean I'm sure she's been to multiple other places that she would probably perfer.
"I figured you've never been there. The point of all of this is to get away. I can get us discount tickets if I call my former boss. You and I should probably get home to pack. Then, we can meet up, and take a cab to the airport." She was right. We were really doing this.
"Yeah, that would be great. I'll meet you at your place." With that we said our goodbyes, and went our separate ways. I got into my car to go to my apartment. We were actually doing this. I mean Kim and I are definitely not spontanious, especially me. We were probably the two out of the team that were the easiest to predict if you know us. Maybe this is exactly what I needed. I'm killing two birds with one stone. Getting out of Chicago for a bit, and getting to know Kim outside of work.
I was now outside of Kim's apartment just about to knock when her door opened already.
"Hey I was going to go wait at the lobby. Are you ready to go?" She already had a bag packed, and ready to go. We were really doing this.
"Yeah. Let's go." With that we were off
We were on the plane right now. Kim had gotten us a midnight flight, and we were gonna be there sometime around 6 or 7. I couldn't sleep so I'll probably load up on coffee in the morning. Kim was asleep with her head on my shoulder. She was probably more used to being on a plane then I was. I just couldn't stop thinking. Mostly about Erin. Did I really mean that little to her. She didn't even consult me when it came to making that decision. I would have talked to her about it, but then again I was the one doing most of the talking when it came to us. I know that we both had a rough past. With my mom dying, and her dad never being there for her. We both tried to oppress our past, but I at least tried to let her in. She never seemed to do the same. To think about no one one the team really liked talking about their past. Well, except for Kim. It wasn't like she liked to, but she was more open about it. She only really talked about her sister, and Zoe. Never about her parents. Speak of the devil, she just moved her head slightly, and was snoring the tiniest bit.
It was now 7 in the morning, and we were in the hotel room that we had booked last night. We could only get one on such short notice, but we were fine with it. We had gone straight to the hotel to settle in. Let me just tell you Vegas is nothing like Chicago. It was bright and busy whereas Chicago was a little more dulled down. The one thing that Chicago had was that it was home. Always has been, and probably always will be. Kim was in the shower right now, and then it will be my turn. We hadn't really decided what to do yet, but we had sort of decided to not do the casino route. We had come here for a change of scenery, but I doubt either one of us is really wanting to gamble. It just wasn't really who we were. Maybe a bar, or just see the sights.
"Hey, the bathroom is all yours." She came in with her hair wet, and I went into the bathroom.
The Next Day
We had ended up just seeing the sights yesterday, and got to know each other. Kim and I were a lot alike which surprised me because we can be somewhat different at work. She was still willing to see the good in people, and tried to help them above all. I tried to, but after being in the army toughens you. We had gotten take out, and came back to the hotel. We were both tired from the flight. We ended up falling asleep while watching a movie.
It was around 6 o'clock in the evening, and we had spent most of the day seeing more sights. We were leaving tomorrow afternoon so we decided that it would be fine if we went to a bar that we had seen.
The Next Day
What happened. I was just waking up the next day not remembering what had happened last night. Kim and I had gone to the bar, and I guess had a couple of drinks. We seemed to have made it back to the hotel. Kim had her head on my chest, and our clothes were still on so it wasn't that bad. I reach over with my left hand to grab my phone to see the time when I see it. There's a ring on my ring finger, a wedding band. Now I might be freaking out. I start to wake Kim up when I see the matching band on her finger. Now I'm panicking.
"Kim wake up. Kim wake up." I had to lightly shake her before her eyes were even open.
"Huh...Jay what are you...wait." Her head bolted off of my chest.
"We didn't. Right?" Her thoughts were going right where mine went.
"No, but..." I say this as I grab her left hand with mine so she would hopefully notice the rings.
"We got married?!" It was the first time it was said aloud. It was real, or was it? Was it even legal, or was it pretend?
"It might not even be real. There has to be a marriage certificate." Why did I feel slightly disappointed in saying that? Kim looked it to. Maybe I offended her.
"Not that I wouldn't want to be married to you. In fact I've really enjoyed hanging out with you the past few days. It's just that this wasn't..."
"Planned? I know, but it's real. Look at this. I walk over to the table that Kim had gone over too, and there it was. It was official.
"I'm Kimberly Rose Halstead?" She had said it under her breath. Why did I like the sound of that? Why did it sound like it was meant to be that?
"We can get it annulled if you want?" Of course she would want to. I mean none of this was planned. Did I want it annulled? Why am I even thinking this?
"I don't know I mean obviously we didn't plan this. I really like spending time with you, but marriage is another different thing completely." So she liked spending time with me too.
"How about we leave it for now, and keep spending time with each other because this might've been the best weekend I've had in a long time." What did I just say? My mouth just started to open before reason took over. How was she going to react? Maybe she liked the idea because she looked up at me bashfully.
"Ok but under one condition we still sleep in the same bed, not like sleep together, it's just the past two nights are the only full nights of sleep I've had without any nightmares." She was looking at me almost pleading for me not to ask about the nightmares. She would tell me when she was ready.
"Sure. We should probably get going if we don't want to miss our flight...and Kim you can talk to me if you want. I am your husband after all." The last part I said as a joke, but she understood how serious I was about the first part. She just smiled and nodded.
All throughout our plane ride home one word just kept coming into my mind. Nightmares?

Disclaimer: This story is inspired by a guest (sorry there isn't a username, but I still wanted to give credit) I thought that it was something that would need to be done in a multi chapter story because of needing to see their relationship fully blossom. I have a lot of good ideas that come with this, and I am super excited to write it. Thanks for all of your suggestions, and who knows yours might be my next story. Also I am having a hard time writing a jealousy one shot, though I am trying because that has been requested. I just wanted you to know that your suggestions weren't being tossed away if I didn't know how to write it, or where to take the story. I will figure it out. It just might take a little longer.

What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas Until it Doesn't- BurgsteadTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon