Personal Headcanons (Hiyoko Saionji)

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Might as well get her over with. But like I promised, I'm doing every character even the characters I dislike.

But, I have some headcanons for her.


-The "precious child" of class 77.

-She's Bi no lean.

-Has low Bs to low Ds.

-Mostly hangs out with Mahiru, Mikan, Ibuki, Kokichi, Himiko, Hajime, and Teruteru. (Teruteru is just a fact, the anime says it all.)

-Tells Mahiru about her secrets.

-Asks Mahiru to photograph her traditional dances.

-Has a crush on Kokichi. (Too bad I ship him with someone else.)

-Pranks people with Kokichi.

-Favorite victim to prank is Mikan.

-Helps "cook" with Teruteru. (Anime reference.)

-Banned from the kitchen.

-Sometimes asks Ibuki to play something to help with her traditional dance.

-Prefers candy over chocolate.

-Goes to Himiko for advice on how to make her traditional dance impress people more. (Child famous people ftw.)

-Would give candy to people she likes.

-Is a complete Tsundere.

-Once wrote a love letter to Kokichi but didn't send it.

-Hiyoko would go to Mahiru for advice.


That's it for her. I hope you enjoyed. Make sure to carry a flashlight.

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