Personal Headcanons (Ryoma Hoshi)

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Ryoma is better than Gonta, don't @ me, I like Ryoma waaaaaayyyyy better than Gonta.

He didn't go to prison in this Au.


-The advice guy in class 79.

-Straight, because in the friendship link he had a girlfriend...

-Has high Bs to High Cs.

-Hangs out with Gonta, Kirumi, Nekomaru, Maki, Tsumugi, Angie, Kokichi, and Kiibo.

-Likes cats. (Obviously.)

-Likes Himiko's tiger and is allowed to take care of him. (Aw.)

-Has to ask Gonta or Kirumi to get stuff on the top shelf

-Part of the how-the-hell-are-they-friends-when-they-have-nothing-in-common squad. (I can finally make this crackfic because I finished with my first chapter. Next is to think of Oumeno week.)

-Practice tennis with Angie or Nekomaru.

-Gets nervous a lot. (It's okay!)

-Likes chocolate cake.

-"Still got a way to to go," is his catchphrase.

-Ryoma would give advice on any topic.

-Shoot, I forgot to put that Kokichi gets advice from Ryoma as well. (He gets advice from the Rs, haha.)

-Has a knack to design aquariums. (SO RANDOM I KNOW.)


This is in the middle but go check out our sponsor, CEO of HimiKaeMaki, aka me, who just finally created a chapter for her story! Plz go and check it out I spent way too long on it and it would make my day. :D


-He designed one for his class and everyone was surprised by such talent.

-"He could've been the ultimate aquarium designer."

-Nah, he was way better at tennis.

-Plays board games and card games with Kokichi.

-Avoids insect meet and greets.

-Isn't fond of Hiyoko.

-Has a sweet tooth.

-One of the many famous people in class 79.

-Can throw a punch. (Say goodbye to knee caps asshole! I got that from that Kaito and Kokichi incorrect quote if you need to know.)

-Kaito is his number 1 fan. (GAHAHAHAHA. Sorry he is actually in the game, I just find it funny.)


And that's it! Hope you enjoyed it. Next is Hiyoko.

Make sure to carry your flashlight.

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