Personal Headcanons (Kokichi Ouma)

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This is my favorite picture of Kokichi. No one can change my mind.

Oumeno is present!


-The how-can-he-keep-so-much-evil-in-such-a-tiny-body student of class 79.

-He's Pan, heavily implied, he's Pan.

-His grades are all over the place, one thing for certain, he has an A+ in lying.

-Mostly hangs out with Shuichi, Kaito, Rantaro, Hiyoko, Tsumugi, Chihiro, Gonta, Nagito, and Byakuya.

-But everyone knows him.

-Friendship trio with Shuichi and Kaito.

-Tea parties with Shuichi and Rantaro!

-Pranks with Hiyoko.

-Favorite victims are Kaede, Shuichi, Kaito, and Himiko.

-Has a massive crush, but is in denial, on Himiko. (That's the first stage buddy.)

-Tsumugi and Rantaro tease him about it.

-One more person knows about his crush but that's in a later chapter.

-He has no idea Hiyoko has a thing for him.

-Is jealous of Kaede because of Himiko's and her friendship.

-He has seen many, MANY, things to pats on heads to Himiko sleeping in her lap. (Yet he doesn't know that...that's what all girls do with their friends. Well at least with my group of friends.)

-If he blushes it's the cutest thing in the world and he WILL hide it with his hands or scarf.

-Kokichi knows Maki's and Shuichi's crush.

-Gets beat up by Tenko not often but often enough.

-The shorties club.

-Gets advice from Rantaro.

-Kokichi's favorite type of games are cards or board games.

-Mainly Spades, BS, and Monopoly. (If you ever see me play any of these games with my cousins...all there is, is chaos.)

-Has custom playing cards with the DICE's logo.

-Hides behind Shuichi if Maki is in the same room.

-Is somehow a good dancer.

-Lies about his favorite food so you have no idea what foods he likes.

-But...his favorite cookies are the black and white/checkered cookies.

-Himiko gave him these for his birthday and he never felt so embarrassed in his life.

-Has heterochromatic eyes but uses contacts to hide it. (Different colored eyes.)

-Likes to play with his hair, that's why it's curly.

-Goes to Hiyoko's shows because she invites him but leaves halfway through because it gets exhausting.

-On the other hand, Himiko's shows are sometimes free but goes to all of them and stays through it.

-Kiibo is his best friend, he won't admit it, but he is.

-Calls Kirumi 'Mom'.

-Kokichi has a lifetime supply of Panta.

-He visits his organization twice every week.

-Kokichi is one of the causes of the "Drinking Incident at the Christmas Party." (Aye, maybe I should use this for Oumeno week.)


Kokichi down! My longest one so far.

Make sure you carry a flashlight.

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