THIRTEEN, progress.

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Jimin stared at Jennie sleeping soundly on the couch. A few strands of her hair gently framed her face and by instinct, he reached forward to brush them aside, only to hesitate.

And then he retracted his hand.

A lot of things had happened within the past few hours. His mind was fuzzy, because it was a lot to take in. His emotions were in a turmoil - he could feel frustration, but he could also feel sadness. At who exactly? Jennie or himself?

His eyes trailed over Jennie's appearance. Her skin had lost its glow and she looked more tired than usual. Her frame looked a bit skinnier as well, and collarbones were jutting out.

But she was still so... ethereal.

"Mommy's pretty right?" a soft voice piped up beside him and Jimin's head swivelled sharply to his right, startled.

Seo Ha beamed at up, clearly having seen him gaze at Jennie. The older's shoulders relaxed and he smiled "Yeah bud. She is absolutely beautiful"

The child nodded eagerly "Even one of my fwiends' father likes mommy. I know because my friend told me he asked her for dinner but-"

His eyes grew round. "Don't tell mommy. She don't know I know."

Seo Ha was oblivious to how tense Jimin had become at that. The man forced out a chuckle.

"Really? When did he ask her?"

"I think a month ago"


Jimin's jaw tightened involuntarily "What did she say?"

"I don't know."

The kid scrutinised the adult. "Why do you want to know, uncle? Does uncle also like mommy?"

Jimin was slightly taken aback at the wit of Seo Ha, giving a nervous laugh. The child didn't back off however, and stared up at him.

After a few moments of fumbling around with his words, Jimin exhaled lowly and leaned forward to be on the same eye level with Seo Ha. He put his hand against the side of his mouth and lowered his voice dramatically.

"You're right, little guy. I like your mommy, a lot."

He watched Seo Ha beam brightly.

"But it's our secret okay?" he winked and the child grinned.

"Then Uncle Chim, I also have a secret" He beckoned with his small hands for Jimin to lean closer and he whispered in his ear.

"You can win, Uncle. Mommy said no."

Jimin grinned; this kid was smart alright. Just as he was about to respond, he heard the door click open and heavy footsteps enter.

"This dumb bitch of a Park Jimin isn't fu-" Jungkook stopped midway as he entered the hall and saw Seo Ha staring at him innocently and Jimin behind who raised his hand and slid it across his neck with a glare.

"Uncle what does bi-"

Jungkook cut him off with high pitched nervous laughter. "A bush, Seo Ha? You know plants, yes, its a bunch of leaves haha! I said Jimin was a bunch of leaves because- cause he's so beautiful like a leaf! When I said bush I meant he's really pretty, isn't he, Seo Ha?"

Jungkook finished, his voice going more and more high pitched as he confused the child more. Jimin wanted to bang his jead against the wall while Seo Ha tilted his head in confusion.

"Oh okay..."

"What bullshit are you on Jungkook?" came the deeper voice of Taehyung and the younger immediately tensed up at the curse word while Jimin just sighed.

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