Good Morning, Break the chain - 1

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Hey, you guys!! Long time no see!!
I know this is kind of odd and different.
But given the situation we are in we need motivation everyday to get up. Hence, the title. I know the struggle we all feel with this sedentary lifestyle. So, here are everyday motivation quotes. I didn't have the luxury to post this everyday motivation sayings so I have put them all together. I will be posting this in 3-4 parts. If you want you can read one everyday and put a bookmark(like comment the date). My laptop kind of broke, so I am posting with my cell phone. I still haven't done the final proof reading, so feel free to point out the mistakes. I hope you will love these sayings.
Enjoy !!!
Have a great day everyday 😘


Don't Give Up Trying To Do What You Really Want To Do. Where There Is Inspiration, You can Never Go Wrong.

Good Morning, break the chain 🍁


Every night we go to bed without any assurance of being alive the next morning, but, still we set the alarm to wake up...

Good Morning, break the chain 💐


Fight to overcome unhealthy situations rather than giving up and staying with it..!


Good Morning, break the chain 💐


Sometimes You Will Never Know The Value Of A Moment Until It Becomes A Memory.

Good Morning, break the chain 💐


Sometimes Prayer Is The Only GIFT We Can Offer To People.

Good Morning, break the chain 💐


We can work on ourselves well only when we know ourselves well..!

Good Morning, break the chain 💐


No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent.

Good Morning, break the chain 💐


*Karma* has no menu. You get served what you deserve..!

Good Morning, break the chain 💐


Mind is superior to body, because, you cannot have a new body, but, you can have a new mind through wisdom...

Good Morning, break the chain 💐


When you keep yourself away from everything that you are not, you will be left with the one you actually are..!

The Grand Book Of QuotesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora