Good Morning, Break the Chain - 3

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If you are going to hide yourself and you will not stand against the work of the bad people, you have given them an endorsement...

Good Morning, break the chain 💐


Fire false friends as early as possible. Do it before they dig out the dream seeds you've planted. *THE EARLIER, THE BETTER. THE QUICKER, THE SAFER...*

Good Morning, break the chain 💐


Life is a collection of changes. Don't avoid changes.

Take every change as a challenge. Some will give success and some will act as stepping stones to success.

Good Morning, break the chain 🍁


Don't compare your progress to that of others. We need our own time to travel our own distance..

Good Morning, break the chain 💐


Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit. Never quit.

Good Morning, break the chain 🙏🏻
A leader who sows confidence will reap excellency and legacy. A leader who sows fear will reap stagnancy or complacency...

Good Morning, break the chain 💐

There is only one real failure that exists and that is being UNFAITHFUL TO YOURSELF, rest are all excuses..!


Good Morning, break the chain 🍁


Life Has Many Chapters For Us, One Bad Chapter Doesn’t Mean The Story Is Over..!

Good Morning, break the chain 💐


Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding...

Good Morning, break the chain 🍁


The distance between your dreams and reality is inversely proportional to your efforts...

Good Morning, Happy A great Day Ahead 💐


Never reject yourself due to the sins you have committed. Regret will do nothing. Repent, and do something...

Good Morning, break the chain 💐


Wrong assumptions occur from limited knowledge. A person should have a complete view before shaping an opinion about someone or something..

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