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"Kanha how dare he? He decided to harm my sister? And another life which is of the Yadava clan? I am going to finish him off. finish all of them off." Balram said full of rage picking up his mighty plough. "Dau calm down. Darshinika is alright. She is divine. She has unlocked a number her powers. She knows who she is. She won't be harmed by this earthly poisons. And he is not our to finish off Dau otherwise I would have done it long ago." "But this time he has crossed all the limits Kanha." "Dau calm down." It was Advaita. "Why did you come up in this condition?" Balram asked with concern in his eyes. "I am alright Dau. Don't get anxious. I didn't take the poisonous fruit Dau. I am well and fine. " "I don't understand both of you." Saying this Balram left the room leaving it all to Advaita and Krishna.

"I wonder if Bhrata Karn knows about all these." , Advaita spoke out.

" I doubt he does. He won't let any harm come upon you or your children."

"Well I cannot be as sure as you in that case."

"And I was wondering why. Previously you used to talk about him a lot but now like after our marriage you have hardly brought him up. Why is that so? What happened Darshinika?"

"I don't want to bring up bitter memories Arya."

"You know what it feels better letting it out. It always does. Tell me." Krishna said leaning on the wall and crossing his arms while Advaita sat down on the nearby chair. " Well there is a bit of history that I didn't say you. Its about Bhtrashree's heritage...."

"I know Darshinika he is your own brother." Darshinika kept quiet. Kanha definitely knew all just like she was slowly starting to know. She proceeded with the story. Told him how Karn had called her cheap and how he said he hated her.

"Soon he will realise his mistake. And at that time he will need your support. Stand by him then."

"I will. I always will. Even if they are fighting against each other I will support all of brothers always."

"So how do you feel?"

"Happy, nervous, funny, anxious."

"That is a whole lot of feeling mixed up. You need to rest now."

"Noo", Advaita protested, "Not so early."

"Yes absolutely. I am not going to listen to you princess."

And after a lot of bickering Kanha made his Darshinika go to bed. Then he looked up to the stars. It seemed there was so less time left of Kanha with his Darshinika. He brushed off all his negative thoughts because it was time to greet his youngest children happily.

Time flew like wind and soon the princess went into labour. She borne two beautiful kids who were perfect epitome of the two biggest houses of power in Aryavart. The Kuru kul and the Yadu kul.

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