Chapter Thirteen

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"I'm not one to complain, but can't Appa fly any higher." Sokka groans and I giggled as I laid on Appa's head.

    "I have an idea! Why don't we all get on your" Aang points angrily at Sokka; Katara briefly looks at Aang, but resumes her stare in front of her. "back and you could fly us to the North Pole?!" I sat up and burst out laughing

"I'd love to. Climb on everyone, Sokka's ready for take off." Sokk'a shakes his bum. A chirping Momo hops on his back, making Sokka shoot an angry glare at the animal. I laugh harder as Aang still stared angrily at Sokka. I moved closer to my boyfriend and kissed his face a bunches.

    "Look, we're all just a little tired and cranky because we've been flying for two days straight." Katara said. "Ardema? Are you okay?" I nod smiling.

"And for what? We can't even find the Northern Water Tribe. There's nothing up here." Katara and Aang, with the former having laid down her head in boredom, letting it rest on her hands. She looks up in wonder when a slushing sound can be heard.

     Suddenly the water turns into spikes in front of Appa and Aang yanks the reigns steering. My eyes widen in fear as Katara and Sokka loudly scream in fright. As Appa turns upright again, the water around him instantly freezes, and he is locked in place. I look over and see Water Tribe boats, each carrying several water benders, surrounding the us.

"They're waterbenders!" I exclaimed happily.

     "We found the Water Tribe!" Katara said.

     "Fire benders aren't allowed here!" My eyes widened and Aang grabbed me.

     "I'm also an air bender!" I said causing their eyes to widen. The released the ice hold and led us through the gates.

   "I can't believe how many waterbenders live up here!" Katara said fascinated.

"We'll find a master to teach us, no problem." We pass through the channels of the city, catching the attention of several civilians who run over to spectate us. Aang waves happily at the people with me on his lap. As they continue their trek inward, Sokka notices a young lady going by on a boat, capturing his attention. He blushes at the sight of her and leaps onto Appa's tail as she pulls away from view.

"This place is beautiful." I whispered.

"Yeah ... she is ..." I snorted at Sokka and cuddle closer to Aang warming him and myself up.

     The Northern Water Tribe, where the others are being honored with a feast, hosted by the tribe's chief. Men play drums and a giant crab is set in a pool of water. Where as I was being ignored and given dirty looks.

"Tonight, we celebrate the arrival of our brother and sister from the Southern Tribe. And they have brought with them, someone very special, someone whom many of us believed disappeared from the world until now ... the Avatar! Aang! The have also brought the Protecter! Princess Ardema!" The crowd applauds and cheers. My eyes widen as people began staring warmly at me. "We also celebrate my daughter's sixteenth birthday. Princess Yue is now of marrying age!"

"Thank you, Father. May the great Ocean and Moon Spirits watch over us during these troubled times!"

"Now, Master Pakku and his students will perform!" Pakku and two students bend significant blobs of water, captivating Aang and Katara. They merge the three blobs into one stream, bending it around each other. Yue approaches Sokka.

"Hi there. Sokka, Southern Water Tribe."

"Very nice to meet you." I watch as they nervously share an awkward silence for a moment.

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