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riley explains [rileyexplainsstuff]
(1) #WILLINOR UPDATE. a large group of people have come out claiming that they saw wilbur and elinor kissing in a public scenario. no photos or videos have been posted yet.
riley explains [rileyexplainsstuff]
(2) only eyewitness reports have been posted. neither of the influencers have made an official statement about the situations. fans are calling this silence evidence of their cause.
riley explains [rileyexplainsstuff]
(3) the hashtag #elinorisoverparty is currently trending. people are pissed off at elinor and feeling bad for wilbur. it seems as though a war between the haters and the fans is erupting.

mat [matiasreverez]
y'all are so fucking toxic. leave the poor girl alone she didn't do anything. #elinorsage
ella hates bugs [ella42000]
bruh she met wilbur less than a week ago and she's already fucking him she's a whore🤢
mat [matiasreverez]
there's! literally! no! fucking! evidence!

franie! [franieinabox]
these allegations are wild lmao 💀 elinor is pure you guys are just petty that she's finally getting the recognition she deserves
indigo west [indiewest]
i was an elinor fan literally a week ago and now i don't know what to believe. i mean she could have been fake the whole time
aisha likes frogs [aishalikesfrogs]
theres no way she isn't a whore #elinorisoverparty

whore for jd [s3v3n_3l3v3n]
i cant believe elinor actually kissed him 😀 she hasn't even known him for a week and she's already turned into a slut #elinorisoverparty
mara [sheramara]
it's insane!!!! i thought she was better than that
✋😔 #elinorisoverparty
rowena simmons [rororoyourboat]
cant believe she turned into a hoe overnight— especially for wilbur!! she's literally playing him it's so sad he doesn't deserve this 🥺🥺


Tears rolled down Elinor's cheeks as she read the mass amounts of tweets about her. She had never experienced this much hate before. Her heart was breaking that so many people were turning against her over something that didn't even happen.

She debated sending out a tweet but decided it would be best to talk with Wilbur first. The girl continued to read all of the tweets, letting herself cry softly. Her cat jumped up on her bed and she pet him, trying to soothe herself.

Elinor decided being on her phone wasn't the smartest idea and she set it down, still petting her cat. "Thanks Milo," she weakly smiled, scratching behind his ears.

She had already spoken with Ivory about the situation with cleared up her confusion. It was time to speak with Wilbur.

[𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐭]

elinor sage

wilbur soot
how are you holding up?

elinor sage
i'm doing alright
not to be weird
but can we switch to messages?
my instagram is glitching out from spam

wilbur soot
oh, of course !
here's my number


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