First Instagram picture together

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(AN: I'm kinda running outta ideas.Also I forgot some of there IG's. So for the ones i don't remember I will make made up IG for them. Sorry. Stay strong my little cheshires.)

Chris: You guys were sitting on a swing set together.

@/chrismotionless: With @/(ig name) . My everything. <3 my #wcw everyday.

Ricky: You were at a park/playground, he gave you a piggy back ride.

@/rickyhorrorx: @/(IG name) is amazing. Giving her piggy back rides are sweet too!

Devin: You both were sitting at the beach.

@/loneaomeghosts1937: @/(IG name) is so cute. Especially at the beach.

Ryan: You both were on a walk at night.

@/ryanfrommiw: @/(IG name) is adorable. Like come on.

Josh: You guys were walking around the mall.

@/joshbalzmiw: @/(IG name) doesn't wanna buy anything. What do I get for her?!?! XD

Vinny: You guys were at the arcade.

@/vinnymmiw: @/(IG name) is beating my ass at these games!

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