You think you guys are done.

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Chris: He was talking to everyone but you lately. You felt unwanted. Chris came home and flat out ignored you. You didn't want to say somerhing. You were to scared to confront him about it.  One night you couldn't take it so you wrote a small note.

'Chris, I'm not even sure if I am your girlfriend anymore. You some over to my place and ignore me. I love you, call or text me whenever. ~Y/N' with that you put it on his front porch and left to your house.

Ricky: You were playing on your phone while waiting for Ricky to come back to his home from the studio with the guys. He came home later than usual and you just ignored it thinking it was just extra work. "Babe, why is there a picture of you kissing another guy?" Ricky asked pointing to his laptop. You were really confused. "Just go." Ricky said. You stood there. "GO!" Ricky yelled. You ran out of his house and into your car.

Devin: Devin has been payin everyone more attention and lashed out at you a few times when you asked him whats wrong. You sat in his room crying to yourself when you got an idea. You wrote down.

'I don't think we are dating anymore. You keep lashing out on me. I'm sorry but I'll let you have time alone.' You sat it on his pillow and walked out of his house.

Ryan: You caught him kissing 4 girls this week you had enough. You confronted him about it but he blew it off. You started crying in his bathroom. You just wrote down on a piece of paper.

'I'm bot sure if you even care anymore. I'll leave you time to think and whatever.' You placed it on his laptop and walkes out of his house.

Josh: He always lashed out at you and left the house for 2 to 3 hours. Leaving you at his house or your house crying. You wrote down. 'I don't know why you lash out at me. I don't even know if you care about me anymore. But I'll be gone if you want me to be.' And left it out on your front porch.

Vinny: He never called, texted or even visited you anymore. You went to his house and tape a jote on his door. The note read. 'If you want to be over I'll be okay. Just tell me. Don't ignore me!" You left with that.

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