-The Demon under the bed-

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Zachary woke up the next day with the feeling of a painful headache pounding in his head, as he slowly got up out of bed.

"What the Hell happened last night...?" Zachary mumbled to himself, before he looked at the NES next to the TV, with the cursed NES Godzilla cartridge inside of it.

Zach quickly got out of bed, went over to the NES, and took the cursed Godzilla game out of the system, before hiding it in the bottom of his sock drawer.

Zachary let out an exhausted and tired sigh, as he went into the bathroom to take some medicine for his painful headache before going to work for the day.

Before he left his apartment, he was looking for one of his hoodies to wear since it was supposed cold outside that day, but couldn't find the one that he had in his room the night before.

He eventually found another one of his hoodies in his closet, and left for work.


It was around three in the afternoon, and Zachary had just gotten back to the apartment from work.

Zach sighed as he closed and locked the door behind him, "Finally... Back home..." He mumbled to himself, before he took off his hoodie, and put it over the arm of one of the chairs, and heading into the kitchen to figure out what he could have for dinner.

That's when Zachary got the sudden feeling of being watched by someone... Zachary cautiously looked around, as the feeling seemed to grow when he was near his room.

He went in his room, and looked everywhere he thought of, in the closet, under his dresser, everywhere he could think of looking, before he eventually brushed off the feeling and went back into the kitchen.

Even after taking medicine for his headache, the pounding pain of Zachary's headache still wasn't gone. It felt like a brick or something heavy was thrown at his head, it almost felt like the pain was killing him.


Zachary checked the clock on his phone, which read: 8:46 PM. Zach figured that he could have probably gone to bed later, but he was tired and drowsy, as he crawled into his bed and got under the covers.

As Zach struggled to fall asleep, the pain of his headache got worse and worse, even after he took medicine for it, the headache still wouldn't disappear.

The dreaded feeling of being watched came over Zachary again, but now, the feeling was stronger then it was before.
He didn't know why, but Zach felt like something or someone was under his bed, watching him.

Zachary turned on the lamp next to his bed, got his phone, and turned on the flashlight on it, as he started looking under his bed with it.

He looked under one side of his bed, nothing seemed to be there. He turned around to start looking under the other side of his bed, when he saw something or rather... Someone he didn't expect to be there...

Red, the Hellbeast, was peering at Zach from underneath the bed, leaving only his glowing and piercing red eyes that seemed to be staring right into Zachary's soul. His sharp and bony claws loosely holding onto the edge of the bed.

Zachary threw his phone at the Hellbeast, missing his aim, and only making the Demon slightly flinch in response.

Zachary felt a sudden wave of anger flow over him, as he got out of bed, and went over into the kitchen and found the large dog cage near the fridge, and set it up- Zachary would only normally use it when he had to take care of his parent's dog, but this was a different situation- he grabbed a thick pair of gardening gloves, and headed back into his room.

Uninvited Guests (A NES Godzilla Creepypasta AU)Where stories live. Discover now