Chapter 1

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I'm back home. My kidnapper(Ryder's dad) is dead. My parents are back home. The woman that were also kidnapped are free. I'm 18 which you know what that means. I can live by myself. Of course I chose not to. I decided to live with Ryder.

I think it's a good choice because he can protect me. We don't need to sleepover at each others house every time we want to spend the night. Besides now that I'm back I'm a lot clingier than I was before I got kidnapped.

Anyways everyone is back and things should go back to normal right? Wrong. It's actually the complete opposite. My parents don't like Ryder. Ok let me rephrase that. My dad hates Ryder and my mom can tolerate him. That's right my parents don't like Ryder even though he saved them.

Since my parents are back Dean is no longer the leader of the gang. So he found a job all the way in North Carolina. He's moving there in 2 days. Chase and Ruby got together. And we don't even act the same around each other. Before we joked around a lot and just had fun. But now Ruder,Ruby, my brothers, and my parents are constantly asking if I'm ok.

They're constantly asking if I've had any nightmares about being at the place. They ask me if I'm ok. If I feel unsafe. If I ate and drank enough today. I get that I got taken and treated like an animal. But I can do stuff myself and if I was feeling unsafe I'd tell them. They don't need to constantly ask me. And I know one day I'm going to freak out and yell at everyone.

Which I don't want to do I hate yelling at people. It makes me feel like I hurt their feelings and seem like a bitch. But enough about how much my life has changed.

It is January 8th exactly a week since Ryder and them saved me. The only places I have been this week is Ryder's and a my parent's houses. Obviously Ryder and them started school. My parents think I not ready to go back to school yet. So I've been doing my classes online. Anyways it's the 8th and Ryder should be coming home from school soon.

I'm sitting on our bed doing my schoolwork or trying to. My laptop is laying on the bed in front of me and I'm laying on my belly. I'm attempting to do my math. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right but my answers seem reasonable so maybe I am. I'm listening to music and just relaxing.

Why do we have to learn geometry. When in live am I going to need to know shapes and shit. Like I already know the basics shaped why do I need to know more. My phone goes off making me jump. I grab my phone. Brody is calling. "He..Hello." I quietly say.

"Hey Via it's me. I just wanted to let you know I'm coming over in like 20 minutes. My mom made cookies and insisted on giving some to you and Ryder." I smile "I cookies." Brody laughs "I know that's why my mo packed like 20 cookies for you and Ryder." "I can't w..wait I'm going eat all of th..them." Brody chuckles "you do you Via. I got to go I'll see you in like 20 minutes maybe half an hour." "Ok b..bye." He hangs up and I put my phone next to me.

Cookies!! Brody's mom is giving us cookies. I wonder what kind they are. I bet they'll be delicious. Enough about the cookies I have to finish my math homework.

The bedroom door opens. I'm assuming it's Ryder because no one else comes in our room. Something slaps my butt and quickly sit up. Ryder's standing there with a smirk. I smile a huge smile and hop off the bed. I wrap my arms around him hugging him.

"I mi..missed you." I quietly say and Ryder kisses the top of my head. "I missed you too." He says and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist. "I want food and you're going to follow me anyways." I smile a small smile and blush. I hide my face and he chuckles.

"So what did my little Angel do today." I roll my eyes "I finished th..that essay for Eng..English. I did the study for science and I st..started my math homework." "Did you eat?" He asks and I look at the ground. "If ch..chips count." "Angel." He says in a disappointed voice. "All you do is nibble on snacks. I'm lucky if you eat a meal a day."

I shrug and look at the ground. I twirl my fingers around each other and pout. "Well I...I don't get h..hungry so I...I don't eat." He sighs" that's the problem you never get hungry. And if you are you nibble on something and go back to whatever you were doing." I pout even more "well I..I'm sorry but I...I don't want force myself eat. I've tried eat..eating actually food. B...But because of barely eat..eating in the 12 days I...I was taken. I...If I eat a meal I...I throw up."

Ryder sets me down on the counter. "I know Angel but just try. Even if it's just a few bites. I want you to eat real food not chips and cookies and shit." I nod and continue looking at the ground.

Ryder sighs and puts his hand under my chin. He gently lifts it forcing me to look at him. "You know I hate scolding you. And I'm not doing it to be mean. I just care about you so much. And I want you to be healthy." I nod "I...I know." He gently kisses me. "Then stop pouting." He says and kisses me again.

I giggle and he pulls away. "You know it's hard to kiss someone when they're laughing." He says and I smile. I grab his shirt and pull him towards me. Since I'm sitting on the counter I can actually reach him without going on my tippy toes. I press my lips against his and slowly kiss him. He takes control of the kiss. And bites my bottom lip before sliding his tongue in my mouth.

"Hey non of that in here. Do that in the bedroom. There are other people here besides you 2." Hunter's voice says and Ryder pulls away. I blush and hide my face as best as I can. "You're just saying that because you haven't kissed or touched a chic in a while." Hunter rolls his eyes. "At least I have sex unlike you." Is he trying to piss Ryder off or something. Because having sex with a crap load of different woman is gross. Why can't they just choose 1 chic and stay with her.

Ryder and Hunter are glaring at each other. The door opens "I'm here." Brody's voice announces. He walks in the kitchen and both Ryder and Hunter look at him. "what are you doing here?" Ryder asks. "My mom made cookies and she thought you and Via would like them so she had me bring some over." It's quiet for a little "is this a bad time. I can come back later."

Ryder sighs "no it's fine." Brody nods and out a container of cookies on the table. I hop of the counter and go to walk over to the table. But Ryder grabs my waist. "No. No more junk you're going to eat actual food." Both Hunter and Brody go from normal to mad. "You haven't been eating." Brody says and I move hiding behind Ryder. "Well I...I've been eating ch..chips and st..stuff." "Via you have to eat." Hunter and Brody say basically at the same time.

I slowly nod and grab Ryder's hand. "It's ok Angel they won't hurt you. They're just a little upset." He quietly says to me and I nod. I take a deep breath and calm down. They're my friends they would never hurt me. After a few quiet minutes Ryder starts walking towards the fridge. I follow him and stand there as he looks at stuff. He grabs something and walks back to the oven/stovetop. I sit on the counter and watch him do whatever he's doing.

He grabs a plate and puts something on it. He hands me a plate of eggs and toast. "You don't have to rush and to don't have to eat all of it. Just try." He says and I nod. I pick up a piece of toast and take a small bite. I look up and everyone is looking at me. I blush and look at the ground.

I continue taking small bites and pretty soon the piece of toast is half gone. Which doesn't seem like much, but compared to the handful of chips and couple of cookies of been eating this is good. Ryder and them stand there watching me eat the piece of toast until it is gone.

Ryder smiles and kisses my forehead. " no try and eat the egg. Again you don't have to eat it all just some." I nod and hop of the counter. I get a fork and hop back up the counter. I cut a small piece of it and eat it. Ryder smiles even more and looks at me in aww. Which is crazy because all I'm doing is eating.

Hey lovely's, I'm so sorry I didn't publish the sequel earlier. But my mental health hasn't been good lately. So I've been taking a short break, but I am back hopefully.

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