Chapter 10

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I wake up to someone screaming and some banging. "No I already told you the damn deal you can't change it all because you need more money so you can get more drugs." "Well maybe if you had a steady fucking job you wouldn't be complaining about needing money. I give you assignments to do you do them you get money. If you somehow don't complete the assignment or don't get what I want. Guess what you're not getting paid much."

I slowly sit up and rub my eyes. I stand up and yawn as I stretch. I walk into the kitchen and the food is away. I get the container out. I get a bowl and put some of the spaghetti and a few meatballs in it. I warm it up in the microwave and put the container away. I grab the bowl and a fork. I slowly walk towards Ryder's office.

I knock on the door. "Baby are you in th-there." I slowly open the door. There's papers thrown all over the floor. There's a hole in the wall. Ryder's sitting in his office chair. His hand is tangled in his hair and he looks stressed and angry.

"B-Baby" I quietly say. He looks up and sees me. "I thought you were sleeping."I nod "I was, b-but I woke up and got food." I say as I hold up the bowl of spaghetti. Ryder nods and smiles a small smile. He looks around the room at the mess. He sighs and stands up. He picks up the papers and put them on his desk in a kinda neat stack. He goes over to I guess cabinets and takes out a folder.

He walks back to his chair and sits down. He starts typing something into his computer. I slowly walk over to him. "Can I-I sit here." I ask and point at him. He lifts me up and places me on his lap. "Are you busy?" He nods "I am but I always have time for my Angel." He says and kisses the side of my head.

I snuggle closer to him resting my head against his chest. I eat a little bit of the spaghetti. "Did you eat yet? I ask. Ryder shakes his head. I twirl some of the noodles around the fork. "Here." I say and move the fork towards him. He chuckles "aren't you the one that has to eat and I'm the one that makes sure you eat."

"Come o-on please." He sighs and eats the noodles. I smile and eat some more of the spaghetti. "Do you not like meatballs?" I shake my head "they ha-have weird spices in them." Ryder takes my fork and stabs one. He eats it and shrugs. "They taste fine to me." I giggle and continue eating the food.

After a while the bowls empty. Obviously Ryder ate some to but I know I ate at least half of it. Ryder kisses the side of my head. "You're such a good girl eating without me making you. I just hope you'll eat tomorrow and Monday for Hunter." Ryder says

I shrug "m-maybe." He sighs and rubs my back. "I know you want to be with me and you'll probably give Hunter a hassle just eat and don't argue with him." "Well if he's mean and yells at me I-I'm yelling back." Ryder looks at me and I sigh "or I'll start crying." He nods and runs his fingers through my hair.

"Well Hunter is a lot less patient then I am. And he gets angry easily." I roll my eyes "no wonder h-he doesn't have a girlfriend." "Hey that's not nice. I'm like him. A dick to everyone and doesn't care about anyone." "Well yeah but that was before you found m-me." He nods "exactly. Give him time he'll find someone and turn into a softy."

I nod and snuggle closer to him. "Are you tired? You just woke up from your nap." "W-Well my belly is full an-and I'm with you so yeah I'm tired and comfy."

He laughs and kisses the top of my head. "We'll go to sleep I'll be here when you wake up." I smile and hide my face in his neck. I close my eyes and fall asleep pretty quickly.

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